i know i can put some in the freezer, but how do i dry it?
I use it on foccacia, chicken and i have some in my olive oil bottle..any other ideas?
I have alot of Rosemary, how do i preserve it?
I love using herbs from my garden. As you know fresh is the best. As for keeping them through winter, I know you don't want to freeze them, but I freeze all of mine. I have found that when I tried to dry them they always tasted like dried grass. I even freeze my parsley and just toss it in whatever I'm cooking as well as my other herbs.
I have not found any good way to dry them and still having them tasting like the herb. Good luck on finding your answer...I'll check back and read what else comes your way.
Reply:roast it in an oven about 100C for 30mins
Reply:like you i freeze, put in oils and such...but the easiest way to dry them ...is..i have a gas oven ..the pilot is always on...so i put the spices on a cooking sheet and leave in the oven for a couple of days...you have to check and turn them over so they can evenly dry out...then stemm and put in a sealed jar....
also as stated ..you can turn your oven on very low..but u have to monitor this carefully...you can burn and waste them easily if not.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Any ideas on how to get off the Choate rosemary Hall waitlist? Applying for Boarding schools.?
I applied to several boarding schools, and was rejected to teo of them, accepted to four or five and waitlisted at the Choate. Any ideas on how to get off the waitlist?
Any ideas on how to get off the Choate rosemary Hall waitlist? Applying for Boarding schools.?
hey, i got waitlisted too
its important to remember that waitlisting is acception without room, they could fill their class 4 or 5 times over. it also isn't about grades or scores. for example, they are looking for socio-economic diversity and people from all over. i am a boarder prospective, but i live near the school,, and there are a lot of kids like me. therefor, i may have btter scores, but someone wh had less good scores from rural indiana could have gotten in.
write a letter, and send in new grades. this will show them that you are interested.
then you gotta wait, it may take a while.
no pressure. 1700 kids applied. there are only a few spots
Reply:Visit the school and tour the facilities. /Tell them how interested you are and ask them how to get off the wait list.
Any ideas on how to get off the Choate rosemary Hall waitlist? Applying for Boarding schools.?
hey, i got waitlisted too
its important to remember that waitlisting is acception without room, they could fill their class 4 or 5 times over. it also isn't about grades or scores. for example, they are looking for socio-economic diversity and people from all over. i am a boarder prospective, but i live near the school,, and there are a lot of kids like me. therefor, i may have btter scores, but someone wh had less good scores from rural indiana could have gotten in.
write a letter, and send in new grades. this will show them that you are interested.
then you gotta wait, it may take a while.
no pressure. 1700 kids applied. there are only a few spots
Reply:Visit the school and tour the facilities. /Tell them how interested you are and ask them how to get off the wait list.
I have a rosemary bush which is going brown. Does anyone know what I can do about it?
Its in a small pot and I water it regularly, but not too much. Some of the leaves are looking dead. What can I do to save my plant?
I have a rosemary bush which is going brown. Does anyone know what I can do about it?
It probably need to be repotted in a bigger pot. It could be root bound or it may need to be fed with plant food. I would repot it and feed it. Give it a good watering and see if it comes back to life in a week or 2.
Growing and Caring for Rosemary Plants
The three fundamentals for successfully growing rosemary are: Sun, Good Drainage and Good Air Circulation.
If you live in a frost free area, you can grow rosemary in the ground year round. Provide a sandy, well draining soil and 6-8 hours of full sunlight.
Rosemary is not a heavy feeder, but fertilizing in spring with a fish/kelp emulsion will get it off to a good start for the season. Periodic foliar sprays with the emulsion will keep it looking great.
Bringing Rosemary Indoors
Where the winter temperatures dip below 30 degrees F., rosemary plants will have to spend the winter indoors. In this case, it's easier to grow your rosemary in a container all year. Since rosemary likes it on the dry side, terra cotta pots are an especially good choice. Just be sure it doesn't bake and completely dry out while outdoors during the summer.
Bring the potted rosemary inside once the temperature inches into the 30s. It can be a little trickier to keep rosemary happy inside. Your rosemary plant will still require 6-8 hours of full sun, so artificial lights may be necessary. Heat is not as crucial as sunlight.
Pest and Problems of Rosemary Plants
The biggest problem with growing rosemary indoors is its tendency to get powdery mildew. Powdery mildew is a white, powdery fungus that can develop if the surrounding air is humid and there is not enough air movement.
Powdery mildew won't kill your rosemary, but it will weaken the plant. Keep the humidity low by allowing the soil to dry somewhat between waterings, keeping the plant in sunlight and, if necessary, running a fan for a few hours a day to create a breeze.
Also be on the lookout for aphids and spider mites. These pests seem to live on houseplants for the winter. Catching them before a total infestation will make them easier to control. Repeated spraying with insecticidal soap, per package directions, should take care of the problem.
Maintaining a Potted Rosemary
Move your potted rosemary back outdoors once all danger of frost has past.
As with most potted plants, the soil in your rosemary pot will degenerate through watering and root growth. Repot at least once a year. Spring is a good time to repot your rosemary, but it should be fine no matter what time of year you get to it.
When the rosemary plant puts out considerable growth or looks like it just can't get enough water, it has outgrown its pot and needs to be transplanted into a larger one. If you want to maintain the size of your rosemary plant, root prune it by slicing off a couple of inches of the roots from the bottom and sides of the root ball and replanting in the same pot. Be sure to trim some of the top at the same time, to lessen the work load of the roots and the stress placed upon the trimmed plant. Then allow your repotted plant some time to regroup. It should reward you with many more seasons of snippings.
Reply:First hold the base of the plant at the top of the soil then turn it upside down. Have a look in the pot and find out if there are any snails and slugs or any nasty bugs. Check to see if the compost is not too soggy...the pot must have holes at bottom for drainage. Now transfer the plant into a slightly bigger pot with some fresh compost....but dont water it just yet. If the plant does'nt show green again then i'm afraid the roots are rotted.
Reply:Try repotting it in some new sandy soil they like damp but well drained soil.
Reply:I had the same thing happen so I repotted it.When I saw how rootbound it was I could have kicked myself.The plant had great structure and I lost some of it.New growth is coming back all over now.Good luck!
Reply:While the others are all right about pot grown plants, it may be something else as I have a rosemary showing the same symptoms but it is growing in soil in a bed. I don't know the reason, but the pot-bound/ over/under watering would not apply. If you sort it out, please let me know as I'm at a loss.
I've checked diesease books, but havn't found a match.
Baet of luck.
I have a rosemary bush which is going brown. Does anyone know what I can do about it?
It probably need to be repotted in a bigger pot. It could be root bound or it may need to be fed with plant food. I would repot it and feed it. Give it a good watering and see if it comes back to life in a week or 2.
Growing and Caring for Rosemary Plants
The three fundamentals for successfully growing rosemary are: Sun, Good Drainage and Good Air Circulation.
If you live in a frost free area, you can grow rosemary in the ground year round. Provide a sandy, well draining soil and 6-8 hours of full sunlight.
Rosemary is not a heavy feeder, but fertilizing in spring with a fish/kelp emulsion will get it off to a good start for the season. Periodic foliar sprays with the emulsion will keep it looking great.
Bringing Rosemary Indoors
Where the winter temperatures dip below 30 degrees F., rosemary plants will have to spend the winter indoors. In this case, it's easier to grow your rosemary in a container all year. Since rosemary likes it on the dry side, terra cotta pots are an especially good choice. Just be sure it doesn't bake and completely dry out while outdoors during the summer.
Bring the potted rosemary inside once the temperature inches into the 30s. It can be a little trickier to keep rosemary happy inside. Your rosemary plant will still require 6-8 hours of full sun, so artificial lights may be necessary. Heat is not as crucial as sunlight.
Pest and Problems of Rosemary Plants
The biggest problem with growing rosemary indoors is its tendency to get powdery mildew. Powdery mildew is a white, powdery fungus that can develop if the surrounding air is humid and there is not enough air movement.
Powdery mildew won't kill your rosemary, but it will weaken the plant. Keep the humidity low by allowing the soil to dry somewhat between waterings, keeping the plant in sunlight and, if necessary, running a fan for a few hours a day to create a breeze.
Also be on the lookout for aphids and spider mites. These pests seem to live on houseplants for the winter. Catching them before a total infestation will make them easier to control. Repeated spraying with insecticidal soap, per package directions, should take care of the problem.
Maintaining a Potted Rosemary
Move your potted rosemary back outdoors once all danger of frost has past.
As with most potted plants, the soil in your rosemary pot will degenerate through watering and root growth. Repot at least once a year. Spring is a good time to repot your rosemary, but it should be fine no matter what time of year you get to it.
When the rosemary plant puts out considerable growth or looks like it just can't get enough water, it has outgrown its pot and needs to be transplanted into a larger one. If you want to maintain the size of your rosemary plant, root prune it by slicing off a couple of inches of the roots from the bottom and sides of the root ball and replanting in the same pot. Be sure to trim some of the top at the same time, to lessen the work load of the roots and the stress placed upon the trimmed plant. Then allow your repotted plant some time to regroup. It should reward you with many more seasons of snippings.
Reply:First hold the base of the plant at the top of the soil then turn it upside down. Have a look in the pot and find out if there are any snails and slugs or any nasty bugs. Check to see if the compost is not too soggy...the pot must have holes at bottom for drainage. Now transfer the plant into a slightly bigger pot with some fresh compost....but dont water it just yet. If the plant does'nt show green again then i'm afraid the roots are rotted.
Reply:Try repotting it in some new sandy soil they like damp but well drained soil.
Reply:I had the same thing happen so I repotted it.When I saw how rootbound it was I could have kicked myself.The plant had great structure and I lost some of it.New growth is coming back all over now.Good luck!
Reply:While the others are all right about pot grown plants, it may be something else as I have a rosemary showing the same symptoms but it is growing in soil in a bed. I don't know the reason, but the pot-bound/ over/under watering would not apply. If you sort it out, please let me know as I'm at a loss.
I've checked diesease books, but havn't found a match.
Baet of luck.
What is the best way to start rosemary plant?
Buy one that's already started.
What is the best way to start rosemary plant?
They are woody stemed. Get a small plant, not worth the effort trying to grow from seed or cutting.
Reply:Rosemary in a very hardy plant just use soil mixed with some sand in a big pot ,,,,, and it can grow very large you might have to prune it ,,,, it does become very woodsy.... Good luck great in a lot of recipes
Reply:I would buy one already started. They are inexpensive and grow year round in warm climates
Reply:If you have a rosemary already, just take a clipping of it, clipping it by a lateral, and stick it in water, I had one to start rooting that way...simplest, easiest way I know of.
What is the best way to start rosemary plant?
They are woody stemed. Get a small plant, not worth the effort trying to grow from seed or cutting.
Reply:Rosemary in a very hardy plant just use soil mixed with some sand in a big pot ,,,,, and it can grow very large you might have to prune it ,,,, it does become very woodsy.... Good luck great in a lot of recipes
Reply:I would buy one already started. They are inexpensive and grow year round in warm climates
Reply:If you have a rosemary already, just take a clipping of it, clipping it by a lateral, and stick it in water, I had one to start rooting that way...simplest, easiest way I know of.
How do you go about about drying fresh herbs for storage, especially rosemary?
You must pick Rosemary for drying before it flowers.The best way to dry Rosemary is to hang it upside down in a brown paper bag, in a dry airy place.Once the sprigs are dry, store them in a dark screw top jar. Drying strengthens the aroma of Rosemary.
How do you go about about drying fresh herbs for storage, especially rosemary?
leave it out in the sun for a day
Reply:drying herbs refer to removing out the moister from the plant herbs,by which it can be stored for longer periods..
Reply:You can put the herbs in a single layer on a cookie sheet and dry in a low oven.
Or you could put that same cookie sheet of herbs in the back seat of your car on a hot day. As a side benefit, your car will smell nice and herby. :)
Reply:Tie small handfuls worth into bundles and hang them upside-down in a dry place until they're brittle. I'd suggest putting it inside a small paper bad and tying it together with a rubberband, to contain any bits that fall off.
Reply:Tie the branches in a small bundles and hang upside down until dry. Once the needles are dry, you can remove them and place in a glass jar.
Reply:um you casn leave it in a place werere it can have have direct sun light but will not burn and you should put something over it so bugs or stuff wont go on the herb thingy but dont leavae it therer for ever when it looks dry put it in an contain er so you can use it later
shoe horns
How do you go about about drying fresh herbs for storage, especially rosemary?
leave it out in the sun for a day
Reply:drying herbs refer to removing out the moister from the plant herbs,by which it can be stored for longer periods..
Reply:You can put the herbs in a single layer on a cookie sheet and dry in a low oven.
Or you could put that same cookie sheet of herbs in the back seat of your car on a hot day. As a side benefit, your car will smell nice and herby. :)
Reply:Tie small handfuls worth into bundles and hang them upside-down in a dry place until they're brittle. I'd suggest putting it inside a small paper bad and tying it together with a rubberband, to contain any bits that fall off.
Reply:Tie the branches in a small bundles and hang upside down until dry. Once the needles are dry, you can remove them and place in a glass jar.
Reply:um you casn leave it in a place werere it can have have direct sun light but will not burn and you should put something over it so bugs or stuff wont go on the herb thingy but dont leavae it therer for ever when it looks dry put it in an contain er so you can use it later
shoe horns
How do you know if a rosemary bush is dead? My has seemed brittle and dry for a while but it is still green.?
If the leaves fall off easily it is probably dead. I think you can scratch some bark off...if you see a thin green layer under the bark you may have a chance to keep it alive. You might want to ask this question in the forum at www.bluelabelherbs.com. Their grower will certainly know the answer.
How do you know if a rosemary bush is dead? My has seemed brittle and dry for a while but it is still green.?
the leaves should be quite soft, i think they stay green for a while even if they re dead, sound like its dead, sorry!
Reply:Rosemary, an evergreen, is an outdoor plant. If it is brittle and dry it has probably died and just hasn't turned brown yet. Turn it out of the pot and check the roots.
The Muse
How do you know if a rosemary bush is dead? My has seemed brittle and dry for a while but it is still green.?
the leaves should be quite soft, i think they stay green for a while even if they re dead, sound like its dead, sorry!
Reply:Rosemary, an evergreen, is an outdoor plant. If it is brittle and dry it has probably died and just hasn't turned brown yet. Turn it out of the pot and check the roots.
The Muse
How would you recommend to grow Rosemary?
Can I just pot it and water it because if not it may die
How would you recommend to grow Rosemary?
If you are in a warm state like California, Texas and of the southern states it will be happier in the ground. It likes moist to slightly dryer soil and sunny, hot days but it freezes completely in the Midwest and NE states over winter.
So depending where you live just plant in a large pot with old clay pots chunks or rocks in the bottom and potting soil or in the ground.
Reply:They like sun, well drained soil, and occasional watering. An easy plant in pot or ground.
Reply:yeah you can pot grow rosemary, it just doesnt like freezing, I lost a big plant this past winter because it froze,
Reply:My favorite herb (with garlic) Yes pot it. But put it in a big pot. Add lava rocks in the bottom of the pot for good drainage. Make sure you water it every 2-3 days. It's finicky. Not enough water- it will die, too much it'll drown. If you're in a warm climate, it'll do well. In a cold climate, it will not survive below 20 degrees, which sucks because I'm in IL and my rosemary bush is beautiful. I have mine in a large wooden barrel type of pot. Good luck.
Reply:Man, my rosemary bush is huge.
Potted it, water it every other day, of course this is outside in a desert climate, but it has grown huge!!
Reply:Use a moderate size pot, not huge... Use good potting soil and water it in with Miracle Grow for a good start. Set in full sun. Water frequently generally is easy to grow and care for.. Delicious as fresh herb.
How would you recommend to grow Rosemary?
If you are in a warm state like California, Texas and of the southern states it will be happier in the ground. It likes moist to slightly dryer soil and sunny, hot days but it freezes completely in the Midwest and NE states over winter.
So depending where you live just plant in a large pot with old clay pots chunks or rocks in the bottom and potting soil or in the ground.
Reply:They like sun, well drained soil, and occasional watering. An easy plant in pot or ground.
Reply:yeah you can pot grow rosemary, it just doesnt like freezing, I lost a big plant this past winter because it froze,
Reply:My favorite herb (with garlic) Yes pot it. But put it in a big pot. Add lava rocks in the bottom of the pot for good drainage. Make sure you water it every 2-3 days. It's finicky. Not enough water- it will die, too much it'll drown. If you're in a warm climate, it'll do well. In a cold climate, it will not survive below 20 degrees, which sucks because I'm in IL and my rosemary bush is beautiful. I have mine in a large wooden barrel type of pot. Good luck.
Reply:Man, my rosemary bush is huge.
Potted it, water it every other day, of course this is outside in a desert climate, but it has grown huge!!
Reply:Use a moderate size pot, not huge... Use good potting soil and water it in with Miracle Grow for a good start. Set in full sun. Water frequently generally is easy to grow and care for.. Delicious as fresh herb.
Any ideas why the rosemary, green onions and chives I planted in large planters outside didn't grow?
I used soil recommended by Home Depot person and watered as needed, but no sigh that I planted anything and it has been a couple months. My mother had a green thumb but her child really hasn't got 'the gift'.
Any ideas why the rosemary, green onions and chives I planted in large planters outside didn't grow?
You say there's no sign you planted anything. None of these things grow well from seeds. Onions and chives grow from "sets," rosemary grows from cuttings. What did you plant?
Reply:Could have been squirrels, they like to plant their nuts in gardens, or birds, they like to scratch and eat seeds, and cats like to dig, scratch and poop too. I had the same problem so I put some fencing (or netting) and lay it on top. Another idea is to start them indoors in late winter (in a windowsills) so they have a chance to get a few inches tall then by spring plant them outdoors, directions are on the back of the packs, and with onions, it's best to buy young bulbs and start them that way, Always make sure they get pleanty of sun light in or outdoors. It too depends on where you are located.
Reply:Are the planters in the shade. You may need to move them into the sun. Do you know what was in them before and did you rinse them out thoroughly before you put in the new soil? Any snail trails on the top of the soil. Your plant's little heads could be being nipped off in the morning before you get a look at them. Did the person at Home Depot recommend that you grow the seeds in seed mix, which is sort of sandy and very nutritious and then transplant them into ordinary soil when they were a few cm's tall? Have you got a cat around that could be using the box at it's own private bathroom? Because the seeds are near the top of the soil, it has to be kept very moist all the time until the roots develop. Does your soil absorb water? I bought some that the water just ran straight through and lost all my coxcomb and clarkia. That's all I can think of right now that could have gone wrong. I hope it's a help
Reply:They like full sun so in a shady spot they may not do so well. The plants probably need some of those food sticks you push right down into the soil, you can get them at walmart for like 88 cents. Do your pots have drainage holes in the bottom? That will help as well.
Dont give up though. I tried growing lavender from seed 3 different times and the 4th pack was a winner. Maybe it was something in the packing (if you used seeds)
Any ideas why the rosemary, green onions and chives I planted in large planters outside didn't grow?
You say there's no sign you planted anything. None of these things grow well from seeds. Onions and chives grow from "sets," rosemary grows from cuttings. What did you plant?
Reply:Could have been squirrels, they like to plant their nuts in gardens, or birds, they like to scratch and eat seeds, and cats like to dig, scratch and poop too. I had the same problem so I put some fencing (or netting) and lay it on top. Another idea is to start them indoors in late winter (in a windowsills) so they have a chance to get a few inches tall then by spring plant them outdoors, directions are on the back of the packs, and with onions, it's best to buy young bulbs and start them that way, Always make sure they get pleanty of sun light in or outdoors. It too depends on where you are located.
Reply:Are the planters in the shade. You may need to move them into the sun. Do you know what was in them before and did you rinse them out thoroughly before you put in the new soil? Any snail trails on the top of the soil. Your plant's little heads could be being nipped off in the morning before you get a look at them. Did the person at Home Depot recommend that you grow the seeds in seed mix, which is sort of sandy and very nutritious and then transplant them into ordinary soil when they were a few cm's tall? Have you got a cat around that could be using the box at it's own private bathroom? Because the seeds are near the top of the soil, it has to be kept very moist all the time until the roots develop. Does your soil absorb water? I bought some that the water just ran straight through and lost all my coxcomb and clarkia. That's all I can think of right now that could have gone wrong. I hope it's a help
Reply:They like full sun so in a shady spot they may not do so well. The plants probably need some of those food sticks you push right down into the soil, you can get them at walmart for like 88 cents. Do your pots have drainage holes in the bottom? That will help as well.
Dont give up though. I tried growing lavender from seed 3 different times and the 4th pack was a winner. Maybe it was something in the packing (if you used seeds)
I am wondering if a delicious sauce can be made using fresh dill or fresh rosemary with horseradish.?
My idea is for this to go on fresh salmon.
I am wondering if a delicious sauce can be made using fresh dill or fresh rosemary with horseradish.?
I don't really have a recipe for this. I adjust the ingredients to taste. Equal amounts of sour cream and mayonnaise, chopped fresh dill, freshly grated horseradish, finely diced seeded cucumber and salt to taste. Combine and chill for at least an hour before serving.
A few other suggestions: minced garlic, minced capers, lemon zest, grated ginger, wasabi powder/paste. Just play with it, have fun!
Reply:oh yes, that would be delicious, just add some extra virgin olive oil, a little soy sauce, and lemon juice...I would go with the dill, not the rosemary with fish.
Reply:Sure, mix it with some sour cream or mayo...or plain yogurt if you're health conscious. I don't know if rosemary and dill would marry well, and I would use one or the other, but if you like it, do it. Tarragon could be nice, too.
Oops....forgot to post a recipe:
* 1 cup sour cream
* 2 teaspoons prepared horseradish
* 1 tablespoon chopped fresh dill weed
* salt to taste
1. In a small bowl, stir together sour cream, horseradish, and dill. Season to taste with salt. Serve.
I am wondering if a delicious sauce can be made using fresh dill or fresh rosemary with horseradish.?
I don't really have a recipe for this. I adjust the ingredients to taste. Equal amounts of sour cream and mayonnaise, chopped fresh dill, freshly grated horseradish, finely diced seeded cucumber and salt to taste. Combine and chill for at least an hour before serving.
A few other suggestions: minced garlic, minced capers, lemon zest, grated ginger, wasabi powder/paste. Just play with it, have fun!
Reply:oh yes, that would be delicious, just add some extra virgin olive oil, a little soy sauce, and lemon juice...I would go with the dill, not the rosemary with fish.
Reply:Sure, mix it with some sour cream or mayo...or plain yogurt if you're health conscious. I don't know if rosemary and dill would marry well, and I would use one or the other, but if you like it, do it. Tarragon could be nice, too.
Oops....forgot to post a recipe:
* 1 cup sour cream
* 2 teaspoons prepared horseradish
* 1 tablespoon chopped fresh dill weed
* salt to taste
1. In a small bowl, stir together sour cream, horseradish, and dill. Season to taste with salt. Serve.
What can I make with Chives, Curly Parsley, Basil, Rosemary and tarragon?
I have plenty of these herbs in my garden and I was wondering what you people make with them-whats your favorite recipe using these herbs? Also-what can I make as gifts using these herbs? For example infused olive oil..
What can I make with Chives, Curly Parsley, Basil, Rosemary and tarragon?
shrimp with chives
Chives in scrambled eggs or omelets (absolutely delicious!!)
mashed potatoes with sour cream %26amp; chives
Crab cakes with parsley (Lemon-thyme sauce)
Grilled chicken with basil dressing
Basil-pasley pesto
Rosemary roast chicken or beef
All these are really great recipes. Look them up on foodnetwork.com
You could also use chives to garnish your meals when you serve for good presentation.
I would love to have a garden of herbs coz I cook with the alot of herbs. Lucky you!
Reply:I would mince the chives, basil, rosemary and parsley very finely and rub onto a piece of beef tenderloin seasoned with salt and pepper, then coated with a bit of oil. While the meat is roasting, I would cube red new potatoes, boil them and then toss them with chopped parsley, butter, salt and pepper :)
Reply:Basil Infused Vinaigrette
2 tablespoons cup extra-virgin olive oil
1/2 cup chopped fresh basil leaves, divided
2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
1 tablespoon red wine
1 tablespoon water
2 tablespoons fresh squeezed Lemon Juice
2 tablespoons grainy mustard
1 teaspoon sugar
Salt and coarsely ground pepper to taste
In a small saucepan over medium heat, heat olive oil; remove from heat and add 1/4 cup chopped basil leaves. Stir to coat the leaves. Let cool slightly. Add balsamic vinegar, red wine, water, and lemon juice. Cover and let sit overnight.
The next day, strain out the basil leaves and discard. Add mustard, sugar, salt, and pepper.
Just before serving, add remaining 1/4 cup freshly chopped basil leaves.
Makes approximately 1/2 cup.
good over pasta☺
Reply:Rosemary-infused olive oil is great. For recipes, you can do just about anything. The fresh chives make a perfect garnish for just about any meal you could think of - salads, pastas, meat, cheese, eggs, etc.
Basil is your ticket to delicious italian food, use it in your pasta sauces, caprese salad, bruschetta, etc.
Tarragon is a superb addition to a chicken stock or roasted chicken dish. It gives the broth and meat a unique flavor.
What can I make with Chives, Curly Parsley, Basil, Rosemary and tarragon?
shrimp with chives
Chives in scrambled eggs or omelets (absolutely delicious!!)
mashed potatoes with sour cream %26amp; chives
Crab cakes with parsley (Lemon-thyme sauce)
Grilled chicken with basil dressing
Basil-pasley pesto
Rosemary roast chicken or beef
All these are really great recipes. Look them up on foodnetwork.com
You could also use chives to garnish your meals when you serve for good presentation.
I would love to have a garden of herbs coz I cook with the alot of herbs. Lucky you!
Reply:I would mince the chives, basil, rosemary and parsley very finely and rub onto a piece of beef tenderloin seasoned with salt and pepper, then coated with a bit of oil. While the meat is roasting, I would cube red new potatoes, boil them and then toss them with chopped parsley, butter, salt and pepper :)
Reply:Basil Infused Vinaigrette
2 tablespoons cup extra-virgin olive oil
1/2 cup chopped fresh basil leaves, divided
2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
1 tablespoon red wine
1 tablespoon water
2 tablespoons fresh squeezed Lemon Juice
2 tablespoons grainy mustard
1 teaspoon sugar
Salt and coarsely ground pepper to taste
In a small saucepan over medium heat, heat olive oil; remove from heat and add 1/4 cup chopped basil leaves. Stir to coat the leaves. Let cool slightly. Add balsamic vinegar, red wine, water, and lemon juice. Cover and let sit overnight.
The next day, strain out the basil leaves and discard. Add mustard, sugar, salt, and pepper.
Just before serving, add remaining 1/4 cup freshly chopped basil leaves.
Makes approximately 1/2 cup.
good over pasta☺
Reply:Rosemary-infused olive oil is great. For recipes, you can do just about anything. The fresh chives make a perfect garnish for just about any meal you could think of - salads, pastas, meat, cheese, eggs, etc.
Basil is your ticket to delicious italian food, use it in your pasta sauces, caprese salad, bruschetta, etc.
Tarragon is a superb addition to a chicken stock or roasted chicken dish. It gives the broth and meat a unique flavor.
What kind of secondary plant metabolite in rosemary leaf has antibacterial property?
The diterpenes carnosic acid, carnosol and some related compounds are the antibacterial agents in rosemary extract ( not from leaves only but from all aerial parts )
All compounds and activities:
All compounds and activities:
How to extract volatile oil from rosemary using Clevenger-type apparatus?
Put 20 g of the cleaned, air-dried, cut, aerial parts of rosemary into the round-bottom flask of Clevenger-type apparatus, add 100 ml pure water and boil for 4 hours.
The essential oil will be hydro-distilled and - when condensed - eliminate from water and swim on top.
Then you open the valve of apparatus, drain away the water properly and then collect the essential oil in a container, dissolve it ( in n-hexane f.e. ) and dry over anhydrous sodium sulphate.
Here you find a pic of the apparatus:
Sometimes you can measure the ml oil you gained, if the pipe between valve and cooler is graduated ( Hope I used the correct terms! )
The essential oil will be hydro-distilled and - when condensed - eliminate from water and swim on top.
Then you open the valve of apparatus, drain away the water properly and then collect the essential oil in a container, dissolve it ( in n-hexane f.e. ) and dry over anhydrous sodium sulphate.
Here you find a pic of the apparatus:
Sometimes you can measure the ml oil you gained, if the pipe between valve and cooler is graduated ( Hope I used the correct terms! )
Rosemary in a recipe?
I'm making a French Onion soup and the recipe calls for 2 Rosemary Sprigs. So I from what I know... I have to take them off the stems and throw them in.
But at the end of the recipe it says to take out the rosemary stalks....so are they saying to take every single piece that is floating around in there or am I not to take them off the original stem?
Rosemary in a recipe?
Don't take them off the stem.
Reply:A rosemary sprig is a piece of the branch-which includes the stem and needles. Throw the whole thing in. the needles will fall off while cooking. Remove the stem, but leave everything that fell off of it.
Reply:okay so you take them off the stems and then put in all the leaves and the stems and at the end leave in the leafs but take out the stems... because the stems give flavor but you cant really eat them.
Reply:Try this trick....Use a piece of cheesecloth and tie up the 2 stems of rosemary in the cheesecloth then toss it in the soup. When the soup is done, remove the rosemary bag. Anything that falls off the stem is now in the cheesecloth and easily removed. Gives you all the flavor and takes no time to remove the stems. I use this trick for seasoning lots of things, especially involving rosemary.
Reply:if you want to leave them in its ok ,but they mean to not take them off the stalk,if you want put them in a small bag or just leave them floating its not going to hurt anything ,,,,,,,i just have never used it in mine so thats a new one on me good luck
ice skates
But at the end of the recipe it says to take out the rosemary stalks....so are they saying to take every single piece that is floating around in there or am I not to take them off the original stem?
Rosemary in a recipe?
Don't take them off the stem.
Reply:A rosemary sprig is a piece of the branch-which includes the stem and needles. Throw the whole thing in. the needles will fall off while cooking. Remove the stem, but leave everything that fell off of it.
Reply:okay so you take them off the stems and then put in all the leaves and the stems and at the end leave in the leafs but take out the stems... because the stems give flavor but you cant really eat them.
Reply:Try this trick....Use a piece of cheesecloth and tie up the 2 stems of rosemary in the cheesecloth then toss it in the soup. When the soup is done, remove the rosemary bag. Anything that falls off the stem is now in the cheesecloth and easily removed. Gives you all the flavor and takes no time to remove the stems. I use this trick for seasoning lots of things, especially involving rosemary.
Reply:if you want to leave them in its ok ,but they mean to not take them off the stalk,if you want put them in a small bag or just leave them floating its not going to hurt anything ,,,,,,,i just have never used it in mine so thats a new one on me good luck
ice skates
Pork tenderloin with rosemary?
I have a lovely piece of pork tenderloin that i plan to pan fry tonight. I also bought some fresh organic rosemary, but i dont really know what to do with the rosemary. Should i put it in the pan before the pork in some olive oil? im unsure....
Pork tenderloin with rosemary?
I would rub the tenderloin with salt, pepper, rosemary -chopped- onion and garlic powder and a pinch of oregano, oil and a squeeze of a 1/2 of lemon.
Then I would place it in a hight oven, 450 degress until meat reaches 150. Then take out, let it rest of 10 minutes and it will be delish!!!
Reply:sprinkle it on top and on the sides before you cook it in the oven. it will give it a great flavor.
Reply:Put the pork in a bag with the rosemary, rub the rosemary into and over the meat and let them sit together as long as you can, remove most of the rosemary from the meat and cook the meat, when it is almost done take the meat out and put it in a warm place, like the oven, pour about half a cup or so of a nice red wine or port into the hot pan with a little bit of the rosemary, not too much, rosemary is usually quite strong. As the wine reduces, as the water boils off, stir the pan to get all of the meat bits and juices into the wine sauce. When the sauce has reduced by about three quarters put the meat back in the pan for a minute then put the meat on a plate and pour the sauce over the top, through a strainer so you do not have any big pieces of the rosemary on it. Then serve and eat. Enjoy.
Reply:rub the rosemary all over the pork, then after you flip it toss part in the pan and save a sprig for garnish and to rub on the finished loin.
that's what I'd do but the possibilities could be endless
Pork tenderloin with rosemary?
I would rub the tenderloin with salt, pepper, rosemary -chopped- onion and garlic powder and a pinch of oregano, oil and a squeeze of a 1/2 of lemon.
Then I would place it in a hight oven, 450 degress until meat reaches 150. Then take out, let it rest of 10 minutes and it will be delish!!!
Reply:sprinkle it on top and on the sides before you cook it in the oven. it will give it a great flavor.
Reply:Put the pork in a bag with the rosemary, rub the rosemary into and over the meat and let them sit together as long as you can, remove most of the rosemary from the meat and cook the meat, when it is almost done take the meat out and put it in a warm place, like the oven, pour about half a cup or so of a nice red wine or port into the hot pan with a little bit of the rosemary, not too much, rosemary is usually quite strong. As the wine reduces, as the water boils off, stir the pan to get all of the meat bits and juices into the wine sauce. When the sauce has reduced by about three quarters put the meat back in the pan for a minute then put the meat on a plate and pour the sauce over the top, through a strainer so you do not have any big pieces of the rosemary on it. Then serve and eat. Enjoy.
Reply:rub the rosemary all over the pork, then after you flip it toss part in the pan and save a sprig for garnish and to rub on the finished loin.
that's what I'd do but the possibilities could be endless
I have Rosemary in my spice rack, and I never use it. What kind of recipies should I use it on?
If you have a easy one, please let me know.
I have Rosemary in my spice rack, and I never use it. What kind of recipies should I use it on?
Rosemary is typical on lamb, pork, salmon and shrimp. It has a super strong flavor so go easy on it. I actually do not care for it except I like it in Foccacia Bread.
Reply:Lamb.....Chops....Mince Meat...as in rissoles or burger....Bolognese....make like a yummy herb and garlic pita pizzza....or like rosemary sundried tomato and fetta....mmmmmm....experiment...but ir works really well with meat.
Reply:I add rosemary to my pot roast and brown gravy, it is very nice. It is best on beef and also makes a nice pre-bed time tea that is anti-viral and helps keep the cooties away.
Reply:Lovely with lamb, must have. Very good with veal and in stews. I use it in pasta tomato sauce.
Reply:Rosemary is great with lamb, mutton or hogget.
Reply:Rosemary can be added to a lot of meats like lamb, turkey, and ham. Why not try a little in salads or on sandwiches? It'll add a little ting.
I have Rosemary in my spice rack, and I never use it. What kind of recipies should I use it on?
Rosemary is typical on lamb, pork, salmon and shrimp. It has a super strong flavor so go easy on it. I actually do not care for it except I like it in Foccacia Bread.
Reply:Lamb.....Chops....Mince Meat...as in rissoles or burger....Bolognese....make like a yummy herb and garlic pita pizzza....or like rosemary sundried tomato and fetta....mmmmmm....experiment...but ir works really well with meat.
Reply:I add rosemary to my pot roast and brown gravy, it is very nice. It is best on beef and also makes a nice pre-bed time tea that is anti-viral and helps keep the cooties away.
Reply:Lovely with lamb, must have. Very good with veal and in stews. I use it in pasta tomato sauce.
Reply:Rosemary is great with lamb, mutton or hogget.
Reply:Rosemary can be added to a lot of meats like lamb, turkey, and ham. Why not try a little in salads or on sandwiches? It'll add a little ting.
I need to prepare an item for an herb club potluck using rosemary, do you know any good recipes?
I think maybe using chicken?
I need to prepare an item for an herb club potluck using rosemary, do you know any good recipes?
Rosemary Chicken recipes:
Other Rosemary Recipes:
Reply:6 to 8 large Yukon gold potatoes, cut into large chunks
4 sprigs fresh rosemary
Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper
Extra-virgin olive oil
6 strips bacon, fried and crumbled
1/4 cup grated Parmesan
1/4 cup pine nuts, toasted
Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F.
Put the potatoes onto a baking sheet. Roughly tear the rosemary and scatter it over the potatoes; season them with salt and pepper and drizzle with olive oil. Toss the potatoes well to mix all the flavors and put them in the oven. Remove them after 30 minutes and toss them again. Continue to roast them until they are browned and cooked through, about 30 to 40 minutes more. While hot, top with crumbed bacon, Parmesan and pine nuts.
Oh I didnt see the chicken part... ok recipe #2
2 chickens, about 2 to 3 pounds each
3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
1 or 2 fresh rosemary sprigs
1 1/2 lemons, cut into chunks
Seasoned Salt:
2 tablespoons very finely minced lemon zest
2 tablespoons minced fresh rosemary
2 tablespoons sea salt, preferablyy gray salt
Freshly ground black pepper
Preheat oven to 450 degrees F if you have no convection fan, or to 425 degrees F if you have a convection fan.
Rinse the chickens inside and out and dry well.
Make the salt: In a bowl, combine the lemon zest, rosemary, salt, and pepper, mixing well. Rub the chicken all over with the olive oil, and then rub with 3 tablespoons of the seasoned salt. (Reserve the remaining salt for another use.) Tuck the rosemary sprigs and lemon chunks into the chicken cavity. You don't need to truss the chicken.
Place the bird on a rack in a roasting pan and roast for 15 minutes. Reduce the oven temperature by 75 degrees F and continue roasting until the juices run clear when a thigh is pierced with a skewer, about 50 to 55 minutes longer. Transfer the chicken to a platter and let rest for at least 10 minutes before carving.
Reply:Yes ... broiled chicken with garlic and rosemary, nicely seasoned (salt and pepper), with butter ..
use fresh rosemary ...really simple and good
I need to prepare an item for an herb club potluck using rosemary, do you know any good recipes?
Rosemary Chicken recipes:
Other Rosemary Recipes:
Reply:6 to 8 large Yukon gold potatoes, cut into large chunks
4 sprigs fresh rosemary
Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper
Extra-virgin olive oil
6 strips bacon, fried and crumbled
1/4 cup grated Parmesan
1/4 cup pine nuts, toasted
Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F.
Put the potatoes onto a baking sheet. Roughly tear the rosemary and scatter it over the potatoes; season them with salt and pepper and drizzle with olive oil. Toss the potatoes well to mix all the flavors and put them in the oven. Remove them after 30 minutes and toss them again. Continue to roast them until they are browned and cooked through, about 30 to 40 minutes more. While hot, top with crumbed bacon, Parmesan and pine nuts.
Oh I didnt see the chicken part... ok recipe #2
2 chickens, about 2 to 3 pounds each
3 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
1 or 2 fresh rosemary sprigs
1 1/2 lemons, cut into chunks
Seasoned Salt:
2 tablespoons very finely minced lemon zest
2 tablespoons minced fresh rosemary
2 tablespoons sea salt, preferablyy gray salt
Freshly ground black pepper
Preheat oven to 450 degrees F if you have no convection fan, or to 425 degrees F if you have a convection fan.
Rinse the chickens inside and out and dry well.
Make the salt: In a bowl, combine the lemon zest, rosemary, salt, and pepper, mixing well. Rub the chicken all over with the olive oil, and then rub with 3 tablespoons of the seasoned salt. (Reserve the remaining salt for another use.) Tuck the rosemary sprigs and lemon chunks into the chicken cavity. You don't need to truss the chicken.
Place the bird on a rack in a roasting pan and roast for 15 minutes. Reduce the oven temperature by 75 degrees F and continue roasting until the juices run clear when a thigh is pierced with a skewer, about 50 to 55 minutes longer. Transfer the chicken to a platter and let rest for at least 10 minutes before carving.
Reply:Yes ... broiled chicken with garlic and rosemary, nicely seasoned (salt and pepper), with butter ..
use fresh rosemary ...really simple and good
What dishes are best suited for the use of thyme and rosemary?
I like Italian, Mexican, Chinese meals but I want to try some American dishes, such as meatloaf and steak dinners.
What dishes are best suited for the use of thyme and rosemary?
thyme and rosemary go good in a gravy to be poured on a roast lamb
sorry I'm not American but in Aussie it will go down well (if a bit of mint is included even better)
Reply:sorry, all I could think of is porkchops, made in the broiler
Reply:leg of lamb = rosemary
whole roast chicken = thyme in the stuffing
Reply:My all time favourite is to roughly chop fresh veggies such as peppers,marrows,butternut,baby potatoes, broccoli,mange tout,baby onions and asparagus. Place in an oven roasting pan and drizzle with olive oil, sprinkle over a little salt and freshly ground black pepper. Add two whole sprigs of fresh Rosemary (don't chop so they are easy to remove before serving) Roast in the oven at 180'c, stirring through occasionally until potatoes are tender. I usually prepare this with chicken or lamb.
Reply:IMHO Rosemary and Thyme go very well with Lamb dishes.
Reply:well if you're going to scarsbourough fair, it would be ; parsley sage rosemary and thyme !, lmao.
Reply:I use thyme with almost all the dishes I marinate, be it chicken or meat. Rosemary is especially nice addition to grilled stuff.
Reply:Be careful with fresh rosemary, some people find it too strong. I like to stick a few sprigs in the cavity of a roasting chicken, then on top. Smells heavenly when baking.
Reply:Chicken,lamb,roast beef add the herbs at the middle of the cooking time to get the best flavor with out being bitter(if using dried).A little lemon juice and salt and pepper will heighten the flavor.
Reply:Chicken, or lamb
Reply:chicken, lamb or pork Not really a good compliment with beef.
Reply:Thyme and rosemary are best with pork and pheasant, something not too mild.
Steaks and meatloaf gets more zing from black pepper and garlic. Try bearnaise sauce with your steak next time.
What dishes are best suited for the use of thyme and rosemary?
thyme and rosemary go good in a gravy to be poured on a roast lamb
sorry I'm not American but in Aussie it will go down well (if a bit of mint is included even better)
Reply:sorry, all I could think of is porkchops, made in the broiler
Reply:leg of lamb = rosemary
whole roast chicken = thyme in the stuffing
Reply:My all time favourite is to roughly chop fresh veggies such as peppers,marrows,butternut,baby potatoes, broccoli,mange tout,baby onions and asparagus. Place in an oven roasting pan and drizzle with olive oil, sprinkle over a little salt and freshly ground black pepper. Add two whole sprigs of fresh Rosemary (don't chop so they are easy to remove before serving) Roast in the oven at 180'c, stirring through occasionally until potatoes are tender. I usually prepare this with chicken or lamb.
Reply:IMHO Rosemary and Thyme go very well with Lamb dishes.
Reply:well if you're going to scarsbourough fair, it would be ; parsley sage rosemary and thyme !, lmao.
Reply:I use thyme with almost all the dishes I marinate, be it chicken or meat. Rosemary is especially nice addition to grilled stuff.
Reply:Be careful with fresh rosemary, some people find it too strong. I like to stick a few sprigs in the cavity of a roasting chicken, then on top. Smells heavenly when baking.
Reply:Chicken,lamb,roast beef add the herbs at the middle of the cooking time to get the best flavor with out being bitter(if using dried).A little lemon juice and salt and pepper will heighten the flavor.
Reply:Chicken, or lamb
Reply:chicken, lamb or pork Not really a good compliment with beef.
Reply:Thyme and rosemary are best with pork and pheasant, something not too mild.
Steaks and meatloaf gets more zing from black pepper and garlic. Try bearnaise sauce with your steak next time.
Can I grow Basil, Rosemary, and Thyme in the same pot?
I have a very large pot on my deck and would like to grow some fresh herbs this year. Was not sure if these would be ok in the same pot. Meaning are they all full sun, shade etc.
Can I grow Basil, Rosemary, and Thyme in the same pot?
Rosemary and Thyme for sure. Both of them love the same conditions. ( dry)
Basil prefers the soil to be watered a little more often.
That being said it is possible but you may be sacrificing a little on the basil.
All herbs need sun to get their full and best taste.
Do not add mint as it will take over.
I would also definitely add chives ( unless you don't like them)
Have fun and good growing and good eating. It is such fun to nip into the garden and snip off some fresh herbs to throw in your meal
Reply:If you have a deck..then do what I did for my herb bed... I bought common aluminum rain gutter from Home Depot and the plastic spacers and aluminum spikes made for them..drilled holes in the bottom for drainage, added a little vermiculite,perlite and compost together and grew lots of herbs..A 10 foot section cost me 4.99..plus the cost of the spacers ,end caps and spikes..total was about 20.00 for A 20 foot herb bed...You will need alot less dirt/compost mixture here and can grow more herbs than that...I would put the rosemary in a pot for itself for it will grow up to 5 or 6 foot tall providing the pot is large enough..and if not..they are happy rootbound and they like the soil alot dryer than the other herbs..I then paintedd the gutters the color of my deck hand rail....actually paintedd it first and not the herbs lol..here are some pictures for you..The first three pages of my flickr album is all herbs and veggies...
These large shrubs here are rosemary....about 5 feet high!!
Reply:Buy a large container. A 14" across the top will do. We bought plastic at WalMart for $5.00.
Reply:Go for it! You might want to add some peppers.
Can I grow Basil, Rosemary, and Thyme in the same pot?
Rosemary and Thyme for sure. Both of them love the same conditions. ( dry)
Basil prefers the soil to be watered a little more often.
That being said it is possible but you may be sacrificing a little on the basil.
All herbs need sun to get their full and best taste.
Do not add mint as it will take over.
I would also definitely add chives ( unless you don't like them)
Have fun and good growing and good eating. It is such fun to nip into the garden and snip off some fresh herbs to throw in your meal
Reply:If you have a deck..then do what I did for my herb bed... I bought common aluminum rain gutter from Home Depot and the plastic spacers and aluminum spikes made for them..drilled holes in the bottom for drainage, added a little vermiculite,perlite and compost together and grew lots of herbs..A 10 foot section cost me 4.99..plus the cost of the spacers ,end caps and spikes..total was about 20.00 for A 20 foot herb bed...You will need alot less dirt/compost mixture here and can grow more herbs than that...I would put the rosemary in a pot for itself for it will grow up to 5 or 6 foot tall providing the pot is large enough..and if not..they are happy rootbound and they like the soil alot dryer than the other herbs..I then paintedd the gutters the color of my deck hand rail....actually paintedd it first and not the herbs lol..here are some pictures for you..The first three pages of my flickr album is all herbs and veggies...
These large shrubs here are rosemary....about 5 feet high!!
Reply:Buy a large container. A 14" across the top will do. We bought plastic at WalMart for $5.00.
Reply:Go for it! You might want to add some peppers.
How tall does rosemary grow?
I have bought three different types, and I don't know where to plant them.
How tall does rosemary grow?
Well, it really all depends on which ones you have. There are prostrate, ground covering types and shrubby types all the way up to 6' shrubs.
Check your labels are see which ones you have to be sure you place them in the proper spot. A Rosmarinus officinalis 'Prostratus' is a ground cover type and will get about 2' in height while Rosmarinus officinalis 'Huntington Carpet' is a taller variety that can get between 4-8' in height.
Look at these links to find the variety that you have and plan accordingly so you can enjoy, enjoy, enjoy! :)
Happy gardening.
Reply:I planted a 6" rosemary plant three years ago, and it's now the size of a small shrub ~ some 30" tall and 18" wide. I live in zone 6 with freezing winters, and by golly, is that stuff hardy.
Reply:it is not so much how high it can grow but how wide it bushes out. Here in south Texas they grow to about 3-4 feet and they bush out at least that. But that is just me letting them do their own thing and they do real well.
Reply:Mine remained between 6" to 9" each year. If the type you have are getting taller than what I have, they are easily transplanted.
Reply:I planted some in a pot about a month ago. The tag with the plant says it grows 3-4 ft. It's a slow grower though.
How tall does rosemary grow?
Well, it really all depends on which ones you have. There are prostrate, ground covering types and shrubby types all the way up to 6' shrubs.
Check your labels are see which ones you have to be sure you place them in the proper spot. A Rosmarinus officinalis 'Prostratus' is a ground cover type and will get about 2' in height while Rosmarinus officinalis 'Huntington Carpet' is a taller variety that can get between 4-8' in height.
Look at these links to find the variety that you have and plan accordingly so you can enjoy, enjoy, enjoy! :)
Happy gardening.
Reply:I planted a 6" rosemary plant three years ago, and it's now the size of a small shrub ~ some 30" tall and 18" wide. I live in zone 6 with freezing winters, and by golly, is that stuff hardy.
Reply:it is not so much how high it can grow but how wide it bushes out. Here in south Texas they grow to about 3-4 feet and they bush out at least that. But that is just me letting them do their own thing and they do real well.
Reply:Mine remained between 6" to 9" each year. If the type you have are getting taller than what I have, they are easily transplanted.
Reply:I planted some in a pot about a month ago. The tag with the plant says it grows 3-4 ft. It's a slow grower though.
What are the basic principles of the Rosemary Conley diet?
I'm thinking of starting to attend these clases but was wondering what the basic principles of it were? I heard it's something to do with making sure everything is less then 5% fat. Is that right? And if so, is it fat in general or saturated fat?
What are the basic principles of the Rosemary Conley diet?
Never heard of this Weight Watchers is the bomb
Reply:this is the best diet in the world. i am 16 and started this diet in mid january. i attended the classes with the need to lose a lot of weight because of my age and also the fact that i have PCOS. i knew that the rosemary conley diet works as my mum did it and lost about 3 stone. since january i have lost 2 stone. there are 4 basic principles - calorie control (a personalised amount of calories per day depending upon age, sex and weight- the heavier you are the more calories you are given to eat), portion control, low fat (under 5% fat per 100g - not the saturated fat, the whole amount of fat) and low GI. if you combine all these four things, you will lose weight at a healthy pace and if you find you arent losing as much as you want to combine with some excersise and you will lose that weight (1-2lb per week is healthy). the classes really do help to motivate you and support you. if you buy the rosemary conley diet and fitness magazine there is a voucher for free membership for new joiners. hope everything goes well an you achieve your goals!!!! :)
Reply:To make her a lot more money.
Do it your self i did and have lost 2 and a half stone.
Eat less do more walking and exercise.
I eat what i like but a lot less of it i walk where i can and take the dogs out, have have bought an air walker which is in the small room with a TV and radio. You can do it without going to all the classes and spending £5 a week on the same thing. Good luck with your weight loss you can do it!!!!!!!!!
Reply:The principle behind this diet is to drastically reduce fat intake (fat in general) while eating unlimited quantities of vegetables and specified portions of meat and dairy foods.
They allow caffeine and alcohol (two drinks a day). The plan also includes a comprehensive exercise program.
Reply:The diet is based on a calorie allowance per day. This is based on their weight, sex and age. A common level for women for example is 1400 calories per day. This amount is set at a level which is less than the amount of calories they need to maintain their weight. Regular exercise is part of the plan and a exercise class is held at the class each week.Along with this you are given a calorie and fat counter, audiotape and recipe cards as part of the membership.
How does it work?
The calorie allowance will be set at a level which is less than the amount of calories they need to maintain their weight.This combined with regular exercise is claimed to burn fat. The diet advises that the dieters have a breakfast, lunch, and dinner as well as a milk allowance. Because this is a low fat diet, rosemary advises that most of the food eaten contains no more than 4 per cent fat. Certain exceptions are things like oily fish, which is advised once a week and the 150 calorie 'treat'. To work out these foods calories you have to look at the food labels or use the calorie and fat grams guide which lists thousands of foods.
How much do you lose?
The healthy level of weight loss claimed is 1-2 pounds per. This is boosted with the exercise plans which dieters are supposed to follow.
my advice.
The best way to loose weight is to do naturally. The body will accept it better. Take half the intake, eat half what u normally eat. 3 light meals a day. No sugar stuff. Soft drinks are no good. Plain water is the best. No sweet drinks and no snack. Do not eat between meals. Have regular time meals. Do not eat before bed. No supper. Breakfast is a must. Take a light lunch. A lighter dinner. Less red meat, if possible take fish. The best way to eat fish is to steam it. More vegetables and take 2 kinds of fruits per day. If u decide to stop meat a better replacement would to take beancurd. You can caculate your body mass index (BMI) with a formula.
BMI = weight (in kilograms) divide by
(Height (m) x Height (m))
remember I kilograms = 2.2046 pounds
1 meters (m) = 0.305 feet
chart for Risk of Heart Disease and Diabetes
27.5 and above High Risk
23.0 – 27.4 Moderate Risk
18.5 – 22.9 Low Risk (healthy range)
Less than 18.5 Risk of nutritional deficiency diseases and osteoporosis
Reply:Eat less...lose weight...
What are the basic principles of the Rosemary Conley diet?
Never heard of this Weight Watchers is the bomb
Reply:this is the best diet in the world. i am 16 and started this diet in mid january. i attended the classes with the need to lose a lot of weight because of my age and also the fact that i have PCOS. i knew that the rosemary conley diet works as my mum did it and lost about 3 stone. since january i have lost 2 stone. there are 4 basic principles - calorie control (a personalised amount of calories per day depending upon age, sex and weight- the heavier you are the more calories you are given to eat), portion control, low fat (under 5% fat per 100g - not the saturated fat, the whole amount of fat) and low GI. if you combine all these four things, you will lose weight at a healthy pace and if you find you arent losing as much as you want to combine with some excersise and you will lose that weight (1-2lb per week is healthy). the classes really do help to motivate you and support you. if you buy the rosemary conley diet and fitness magazine there is a voucher for free membership for new joiners. hope everything goes well an you achieve your goals!!!! :)
Reply:To make her a lot more money.
Do it your self i did and have lost 2 and a half stone.
Eat less do more walking and exercise.
I eat what i like but a lot less of it i walk where i can and take the dogs out, have have bought an air walker which is in the small room with a TV and radio. You can do it without going to all the classes and spending £5 a week on the same thing. Good luck with your weight loss you can do it!!!!!!!!!
Reply:The principle behind this diet is to drastically reduce fat intake (fat in general) while eating unlimited quantities of vegetables and specified portions of meat and dairy foods.
They allow caffeine and alcohol (two drinks a day). The plan also includes a comprehensive exercise program.
Reply:The diet is based on a calorie allowance per day. This is based on their weight, sex and age. A common level for women for example is 1400 calories per day. This amount is set at a level which is less than the amount of calories they need to maintain their weight. Regular exercise is part of the plan and a exercise class is held at the class each week.Along with this you are given a calorie and fat counter, audiotape and recipe cards as part of the membership.
How does it work?
The calorie allowance will be set at a level which is less than the amount of calories they need to maintain their weight.This combined with regular exercise is claimed to burn fat. The diet advises that the dieters have a breakfast, lunch, and dinner as well as a milk allowance. Because this is a low fat diet, rosemary advises that most of the food eaten contains no more than 4 per cent fat. Certain exceptions are things like oily fish, which is advised once a week and the 150 calorie 'treat'. To work out these foods calories you have to look at the food labels or use the calorie and fat grams guide which lists thousands of foods.
How much do you lose?
The healthy level of weight loss claimed is 1-2 pounds per. This is boosted with the exercise plans which dieters are supposed to follow.
my advice.
The best way to loose weight is to do naturally. The body will accept it better. Take half the intake, eat half what u normally eat. 3 light meals a day. No sugar stuff. Soft drinks are no good. Plain water is the best. No sweet drinks and no snack. Do not eat between meals. Have regular time meals. Do not eat before bed. No supper. Breakfast is a must. Take a light lunch. A lighter dinner. Less red meat, if possible take fish. The best way to eat fish is to steam it. More vegetables and take 2 kinds of fruits per day. If u decide to stop meat a better replacement would to take beancurd. You can caculate your body mass index (BMI) with a formula.
BMI = weight (in kilograms) divide by
(Height (m) x Height (m))
remember I kilograms = 2.2046 pounds
1 meters (m) = 0.305 feet
chart for Risk of Heart Disease and Diabetes
27.5 and above High Risk
23.0 – 27.4 Moderate Risk
18.5 – 22.9 Low Risk (healthy range)
Less than 18.5 Risk of nutritional deficiency diseases and osteoporosis
Reply:Eat less...lose weight...
What to do when basil and rosemary plants flower?
do I need to prune them?...thanks for your answers
What to do when basil and rosemary plants flower?
Pruning any plant will make it bushier. Re. your Basil - you need to keep it bushy and lush so do not allow flowers to form. Cut down to two nodes from the bottom - NEVER lower ... if you can't use it at the time put the stems in a glass of water until you can. They will root and you can start new plants. It hates the cold so never store basil in the fridge or put it outside until mid-June. In summer give it plenty of sun and moisture and bring inside to a sunny window for the winter. Don't expect to be able to keep your basil plant more than one season. It has a short, but glorious life span. Re, the Rosemary - it also does not like it too cold though it can stand some lower (though not freezing) temperatures - just don't let it dry out or it will die. Flowers on the rosemary are not much of a problem as they will not affect the flavour and add a touch of colour to your cooking. Keep it pruned to a manageable size. In winter, I like to keep my roseamary in my bright hallway and rustle it to release its aroma before opening the door to guests.
Reply:Rosemary is tough, and in A cool climate in Australia, we used to prune ours anytime when it became untidy, without any ill effects.
Basil? We bought seeds with us to the Philippines, where it grows like a weed. I suggest you allow it to flower, gather seed, then pull the old plant. any seeds falling into the pot or ground will als=most surely sprout. we just weed old plants out from time to time to let new plants take over. It grew well in cool climates at home also, with a little wind and frost protection - tougher than it looks. we have introduced it to many locals,who love to use it for cooking
Reply:You will probably need to remove the flowers and cut the plant back, so that it will not set seed. It will also help the plants to branch out more, and have more "tender" shoots.
Reply:The plant will grow stronger and the leaves will grow bigger if you nip off the flowers on any herb.
Reply:Well down here in the south we do not prune back rosemary. its used as a substitute for lavender hedges. ( Lavender just hates our humidity ) But with Basil you do have to pune it back , otherwise it reseeds and gets leggy. Herbs like being pruned.
running shoes
What to do when basil and rosemary plants flower?
Pruning any plant will make it bushier. Re. your Basil - you need to keep it bushy and lush so do not allow flowers to form. Cut down to two nodes from the bottom - NEVER lower ... if you can't use it at the time put the stems in a glass of water until you can. They will root and you can start new plants. It hates the cold so never store basil in the fridge or put it outside until mid-June. In summer give it plenty of sun and moisture and bring inside to a sunny window for the winter. Don't expect to be able to keep your basil plant more than one season. It has a short, but glorious life span. Re, the Rosemary - it also does not like it too cold though it can stand some lower (though not freezing) temperatures - just don't let it dry out or it will die. Flowers on the rosemary are not much of a problem as they will not affect the flavour and add a touch of colour to your cooking. Keep it pruned to a manageable size. In winter, I like to keep my roseamary in my bright hallway and rustle it to release its aroma before opening the door to guests.
Reply:Rosemary is tough, and in A cool climate in Australia, we used to prune ours anytime when it became untidy, without any ill effects.
Basil? We bought seeds with us to the Philippines, where it grows like a weed. I suggest you allow it to flower, gather seed, then pull the old plant. any seeds falling into the pot or ground will als=most surely sprout. we just weed old plants out from time to time to let new plants take over. It grew well in cool climates at home also, with a little wind and frost protection - tougher than it looks. we have introduced it to many locals,who love to use it for cooking
Reply:You will probably need to remove the flowers and cut the plant back, so that it will not set seed. It will also help the plants to branch out more, and have more "tender" shoots.
Reply:The plant will grow stronger and the leaves will grow bigger if you nip off the flowers on any herb.
Reply:Well down here in the south we do not prune back rosemary. its used as a substitute for lavender hedges. ( Lavender just hates our humidity ) But with Basil you do have to pune it back , otherwise it reseeds and gets leggy. Herbs like being pruned.
running shoes
Would Oregano and Rosemary go well togeather in bread?
I'm making focacia bread and the recipie calles for Oregano and basil but I don't have basil and the store was out. Would rosemary and Oregano taste ok do you think or should I just use one or the other?
Would Oregano and Rosemary go well togeather in bread?
No, that's not a terribly good idea: the resinous quality of the rosemary oils will completely overwhelm the oregano. There are several orders of power between these two herbs, which is why, were you to treat basil the way you would rosemary -- and that's the test of the substitution it would have to meet -- the basil would be annihilated.
(Think 'porcupining' a roast lamb joint with basil prior to roasting, the way you do with rosemary, and then envisage what would happen to those tender basil leaves in the heat of a roasting oven, and you can see how unfeasible the enterprise is.)
This won't float a dinghy, never mind a boat. :-/
(Btw, in a baking recipe predicated on leaf herbs, the rosemary would still be boot-leather by comparison after the baking time asserted for those leaf herbs in your recipe.)
Reply:it's ok. try it once, if not just rosemary
Reply:Use them both yummy.
Reply:yes they will go well together
Reply:Yes they would be good together most recipes that have one have he other it stands to reason that they would be good together in bread.
Reply:I would just go with the Rosemary. Oregano compliments Basil, but not Rosemary. Rosemary on it's own would be fine. Basil on it's own, as well. Not sure about Oregano on it's own. I have personally seen Rosemary focacia. I have seen Basil focacia. I have never seen Oregano focacia.
Reply:yes they do sound good!! kinda an Italian Herb bread.... maybe add some Parmesan cheese on top before baking! basil would work too! that sounds really good!!!
Would Oregano and Rosemary go well togeather in bread?
No, that's not a terribly good idea: the resinous quality of the rosemary oils will completely overwhelm the oregano. There are several orders of power between these two herbs, which is why, were you to treat basil the way you would rosemary -- and that's the test of the substitution it would have to meet -- the basil would be annihilated.
(Think 'porcupining' a roast lamb joint with basil prior to roasting, the way you do with rosemary, and then envisage what would happen to those tender basil leaves in the heat of a roasting oven, and you can see how unfeasible the enterprise is.)
This won't float a dinghy, never mind a boat. :-/
(Btw, in a baking recipe predicated on leaf herbs, the rosemary would still be boot-leather by comparison after the baking time asserted for those leaf herbs in your recipe.)
Reply:it's ok. try it once, if not just rosemary
Reply:Use them both yummy.
Reply:yes they will go well together
Reply:Yes they would be good together most recipes that have one have he other it stands to reason that they would be good together in bread.
Reply:I would just go with the Rosemary. Oregano compliments Basil, but not Rosemary. Rosemary on it's own would be fine. Basil on it's own, as well. Not sure about Oregano on it's own. I have personally seen Rosemary focacia. I have seen Basil focacia. I have never seen Oregano focacia.
Reply:yes they do sound good!! kinda an Italian Herb bread.... maybe add some Parmesan cheese on top before baking! basil would work too! that sounds really good!!!
I have a rosemary plant and thyme plant and need tips on care and pruning?
I want my rosemary plant to be more bushy, and I don't want to kill the things, i would like to be able to use them when I cook
(yea that's right, I am a guy that cooks, but do I get more man points if I say I was airborne infantry also also?)
I have a rosemary plant and thyme plant and need tips on care and pruning?
Rosemary and thyme plants do not need a lot of water.
They both want a lot of light. If they are in containers they can be kept out doors in warm weather and then brought in for the winter.
Don't be afraid to clip them back and use what you clip in cooking.
If they get too big for the pot then move them up. Check to see if the roots are filling the pots. Break the roots up when repotting them.
Nothing tastes better than fresh herbs and somehow the ones you grow your self taste even better.
Reply:My Rosemary bush was just a twig 2 yrs. ago, when I bought it at Lowes. It is about 2 1/2 ft. wide now and about 2 ft. tall. I always take out a stem in the middle of the plant in an effort to thin out the middle cause the plant will grow out around the outer edges. I am told that R/M lives about 3 yrs. So, I'm taking cuttings now to start some new plants. It is very easy to grow. And improves the appearance of your landscape.
(yea that's right, I am a guy that cooks, but do I get more man points if I say I was airborne infantry also also?)
I have a rosemary plant and thyme plant and need tips on care and pruning?
Rosemary and thyme plants do not need a lot of water.
They both want a lot of light. If they are in containers they can be kept out doors in warm weather and then brought in for the winter.
Don't be afraid to clip them back and use what you clip in cooking.
If they get too big for the pot then move them up. Check to see if the roots are filling the pots. Break the roots up when repotting them.
Nothing tastes better than fresh herbs and somehow the ones you grow your self taste even better.
Reply:My Rosemary bush was just a twig 2 yrs. ago, when I bought it at Lowes. It is about 2 1/2 ft. wide now and about 2 ft. tall. I always take out a stem in the middle of the plant in an effort to thin out the middle cause the plant will grow out around the outer edges. I am told that R/M lives about 3 yrs. So, I'm taking cuttings now to start some new plants. It is very easy to grow. And improves the appearance of your landscape.
How to harvest Rosemary?
Someone gave me a rosemary plant. To harvest the needles, do I cut the whole branch off and then strip off the needles, or pluck the needles off of the branch, leaving the branch on the plant?
How to harvest Rosemary?
Cut the branch from the plant. Better yet, if you just need a few needles, I suggest you pinch them from the end of several stems. Removing the terminal bud or meristem will encourage the rosemary plant to send out multiple new stems from the end. This will also happen if you just trim off one branch. Just don't trim back so far that the wound is deep inside the plant where new growth will not thrive.
Reply:It will depend where you are in location to how much sun you get on an average day. Inside Rosemary need full south sun all day--south facing bay window. Temp. ranges no higher than 60 degrees F. and good air movement around the plant. If you cannot give these conditions to the plant and live in one of the northern states, harvest the plant now and be done with it, because they are very difficult to grow inside ----especially in New England. But if it is doing well, just keep it pinched and use the tips whenever you want them.
I manage a low light retail greenhouse in New England, and I cannot keep rosemary going all winter even under lights. So Good Luck.
Reply:You can cut sprigs of rosemary whenever you need them, just cut a couple inches off a branch at a time, and strip the leaves to use them. Remember with fresh herbs you need to double the amount the recipe calls for in dried herbs.
You rosemary should be kept in as full sun as possible, and the soil kept just barely moist. It won't thank you for overwatering. One the other hand, if you let it dry out to the point where the needles wilt, it is gone and will not come back. I keep mine outside in the summer in full sun, in the pot. In the ground, it might not survive the winter if you are in zone 6 or north.ine always comes indoors in the winter. This one is 5 yrs old now.
Reply:You could do it either way but the plant will look nicer if you clip or trim branches then strip the needles.
How to harvest Rosemary?
Cut the branch from the plant. Better yet, if you just need a few needles, I suggest you pinch them from the end of several stems. Removing the terminal bud or meristem will encourage the rosemary plant to send out multiple new stems from the end. This will also happen if you just trim off one branch. Just don't trim back so far that the wound is deep inside the plant where new growth will not thrive.
Reply:It will depend where you are in location to how much sun you get on an average day. Inside Rosemary need full south sun all day--south facing bay window. Temp. ranges no higher than 60 degrees F. and good air movement around the plant. If you cannot give these conditions to the plant and live in one of the northern states, harvest the plant now and be done with it, because they are very difficult to grow inside ----especially in New England. But if it is doing well, just keep it pinched and use the tips whenever you want them.
I manage a low light retail greenhouse in New England, and I cannot keep rosemary going all winter even under lights. So Good Luck.
Reply:You can cut sprigs of rosemary whenever you need them, just cut a couple inches off a branch at a time, and strip the leaves to use them. Remember with fresh herbs you need to double the amount the recipe calls for in dried herbs.
You rosemary should be kept in as full sun as possible, and the soil kept just barely moist. It won't thank you for overwatering. One the other hand, if you let it dry out to the point where the needles wilt, it is gone and will not come back. I keep mine outside in the summer in full sun, in the pot. In the ground, it might not survive the winter if you are in zone 6 or north.ine always comes indoors in the winter. This one is 5 yrs old now.
Reply:You could do it either way but the plant will look nicer if you clip or trim branches then strip the needles.
What does soaking your hair in Rosemary Tea do?
Another one was Pomegranate juice, just wondering what it does to your hair and if it is safe?
What does soaking your hair in Rosemary Tea do?
Natural Homemade Beauty tips to Skin %26amp; Hair
Reply:Makes it smell nice.
Reply:i've never heard of that b4
riding boots
What does soaking your hair in Rosemary Tea do?
Natural Homemade Beauty tips to Skin %26amp; Hair
Reply:Makes it smell nice.
Reply:i've never heard of that b4
riding boots
What to do to save my Rosemary plant?
I have a nice petit rosemary bush in a pot, my mom has been taking care of it. I read from other posters that it likes dry soil. Well it's dry! Some of the braches are really dry with little green. The frongs are falling off it touched.
Here is a pic:
http://sarasotacurves.com/DSCF2004.JPG and http://sarasotacurves.com/DSCF2005.JPG
The pictures look greener than it is. Should I cut back some of the more dead branches and what ones do I save?
Should I fertilize it once for the year now to help it regenerate? This plant lives in Florida. Thanks!
What to do to save my Rosemary plant?
Hmmmmm, well if it were me, I would cut the "side" branches back almost all the way. (Look and see if you can see where the woody part of the stem looks newer and cut above that - don't cut all the way back to the oldest woody part of the branch, if that makes sense.) I would leave what looks like the "center" branch pretty much intact, maybe just pruning a little bit.
I wouldn't fertilize just yet. Some herbs really don't like fertilizers, and I can't remember about rosemary. After cutting back, I would just baby the plant with good light, not too much hot direct sun and good watering. (Water when the soil is dry to the touch when you stick your finger in a small way.) Water it till a trickle comes out the bottom - I hope the pot has drainage holes in the bottom! Then don't water again till the top soil layer feels dry again.
I need to add, though, that I am up north and my rosemary is planted in the ground. It goes dormant in the winter and returns when the weather and ground warm up in spring. It doesn't always survive a brutally cold winter, so I maybe am not the best person to be giving advice!!!!
GOOD LUCK! It looks like a beautiful plant and I don't think it's a goner yet!
Reply:Toss it, and buy a new one. They are REALLY cheap!
Reply:give them as offerings at the church
Reply:See if you can pour out any excess water. Pull it out of the pot, shake off the dirt, are the roots white or are they brown and slimy? Does it smell badly? If most of the roots are browning or if you notice a smelly odor, you probably will have to buy a new rosemary. But before you toss it, see if you can just dry it out and leave it in a nice, warm sunny spot.
We never fertilize our rosemary bush. In fact, it seems to thrive on neglect. Do you have yard you can plant it in?
Here is a pic:
http://sarasotacurves.com/DSCF2004.JPG and http://sarasotacurves.com/DSCF2005.JPG
The pictures look greener than it is. Should I cut back some of the more dead branches and what ones do I save?
Should I fertilize it once for the year now to help it regenerate? This plant lives in Florida. Thanks!
What to do to save my Rosemary plant?
Hmmmmm, well if it were me, I would cut the "side" branches back almost all the way. (Look and see if you can see where the woody part of the stem looks newer and cut above that - don't cut all the way back to the oldest woody part of the branch, if that makes sense.) I would leave what looks like the "center" branch pretty much intact, maybe just pruning a little bit.
I wouldn't fertilize just yet. Some herbs really don't like fertilizers, and I can't remember about rosemary. After cutting back, I would just baby the plant with good light, not too much hot direct sun and good watering. (Water when the soil is dry to the touch when you stick your finger in a small way.) Water it till a trickle comes out the bottom - I hope the pot has drainage holes in the bottom! Then don't water again till the top soil layer feels dry again.
I need to add, though, that I am up north and my rosemary is planted in the ground. It goes dormant in the winter and returns when the weather and ground warm up in spring. It doesn't always survive a brutally cold winter, so I maybe am not the best person to be giving advice!!!!
GOOD LUCK! It looks like a beautiful plant and I don't think it's a goner yet!
Reply:Toss it, and buy a new one. They are REALLY cheap!
Reply:give them as offerings at the church
Reply:See if you can pour out any excess water. Pull it out of the pot, shake off the dirt, are the roots white or are they brown and slimy? Does it smell badly? If most of the roots are browning or if you notice a smelly odor, you probably will have to buy a new rosemary. But before you toss it, see if you can just dry it out and leave it in a nice, warm sunny spot.
We never fertilize our rosemary bush. In fact, it seems to thrive on neglect. Do you have yard you can plant it in?
Would herbs like rosemary, thyme, basil and bayleaf grow well in the gulf?
I live in Qatar and its very humid. I'm thinking about starting a garden but am not sure if these will grow well here.
Would herbs like rosemary, thyme, basil and bayleaf grow well in the gulf?
Bayleaf is from the area, I baylieve.
Thyme is strong and loves the sun, as does rosemary.
Basil... no promises there. Can you put it in the shade perhaps? Make sure you water it enough.
For all the plants: try to shelter them from direct sunlight for a week or two, so they get a chance to settle.
Reply:I live in Central Queensland (nowhere near Qatar - I know). However, it does get very hot and humid here.
I have just started a herb garden and the Basil it is getting huge! Rosemary is okay. Have never tried bayleaf. The rosemary died within a week.
I have had success with lavendar.
I hope this helps.
Reply:The rosemary, thyme,and basil will do fine just make sure that they get the proper amount of water,and shield from the large amount of sun . The bay may be a problem. The bay leaf is the aromatic leaf of several species of the laurel family,LAURACEAE Laurus Nobilis. the bay laurel is an evergreen tree or large shrub reaching 10-18m tall.
Do evergreens grow in Qatar? This plant is native to the Med. area ,Greece and Italy, but you are a little further south .
Best of luck
Would herbs like rosemary, thyme, basil and bayleaf grow well in the gulf?
Bayleaf is from the area, I baylieve.
Thyme is strong and loves the sun, as does rosemary.
Basil... no promises there. Can you put it in the shade perhaps? Make sure you water it enough.
For all the plants: try to shelter them from direct sunlight for a week or two, so they get a chance to settle.
Reply:I live in Central Queensland (nowhere near Qatar - I know). However, it does get very hot and humid here.
I have just started a herb garden and the Basil it is getting huge! Rosemary is okay. Have never tried bayleaf. The rosemary died within a week.
I have had success with lavendar.
I hope this helps.
Reply:The rosemary, thyme,and basil will do fine just make sure that they get the proper amount of water,and shield from the large amount of sun . The bay may be a problem. The bay leaf is the aromatic leaf of several species of the laurel family,LAURACEAE Laurus Nobilis. the bay laurel is an evergreen tree or large shrub reaching 10-18m tall.
Do evergreens grow in Qatar? This plant is native to the Med. area ,Greece and Italy, but you are a little further south .
Best of luck
How dark does rosemary oil turn your hair?
I have a very natural light blonde hair colour.
How dark does rosemary oil turn your hair?
i never heard rosemary oil can do that. guessing its not dye it wouldn't go too dark and not last long but I could be not right
Reply:well i darkened my hair with rosemary and i have light brown hair and it got really dark. since you have light blond hair , you'll probably get a medium shade of brown.
How dark does rosemary oil turn your hair?
i never heard rosemary oil can do that. guessing its not dye it wouldn't go too dark and not last long but I could be not right
Reply:well i darkened my hair with rosemary and i have light brown hair and it got really dark. since you have light blond hair , you'll probably get a medium shade of brown.
Is there any home remedies to take dandruff away? I know about the Rosemary oil one, are there any others?
Home Remedies for Dandruff
Dandruff home remedies and natural cures, Questions and answers
Dandruff treatment using Fenugreek Seeds
The use of fenugreek seeds is one of the most important remedies in the treatment of dandruff. Two tablespoons of these seeds should be soaked overnight in water and ground into a fine paste in the morning. This paste should be applied all over the scalp and left for half an hour. The hair should then be washed thoroughly with soap-nut (ritha) solution or shikakai.
Dandruff treatment using Lime
The use of a teaspoon of fresh lime juice for the last rinse, while washing the hair, is another useful remedy. This not only leaves the hair glowing but also removes stickiness and prevents dandruff.
Dandruff treatment using Green Gram Powder
A valuable prescription for removal of dandruff is the use of green gram powder. The hair should be washed twice a week with two tablespoons of this powder mixed with half a cup of curd.
Dandruff treatment using Beet
Beets have been found useful in dandruff. Both tops and roots should be boiled in water and this water should be massaged into the scalp with the finger tips every night. White beet is better for this purpose.
Dandruff treatment using Snake Gourd
The juice of snake gourd has been found beneficial in the prevention and treatment of dandruff. The juice should be rubbed over the scalp for this purpose.
Dandruff treatment using Other Remedies
Dandruff can be removed by massaging the hair for half an hour with curd which has been kept in the open for three days, or with a few drops of lime juice mixed with amla juice every night, before going to bed. Another measure which helps to counteract dandruff is to dilute cider vinegar with an equal quantity of water and dab this on to the hair with cotton wool inbetween shampooing. Cider vinegar added to the final rinsing water after shampooing also helps to disperse dandruff.
Is there any home remedies to take dandruff away? I know about the Rosemary oil one, are there any others?
Here are 2 more:
Dandruff Home Remedies with Fenugreek and Shikakai:
The Fenugreek and Shikakai treatment is a very good natural remedy to control and stop dandruff formation.
* Soak two teaspoons of fenugreek seeds in water and let it soak over night. Make a fine paste of the soaked seeds and apply it all over the scalp and let it be like that for sometime. After the paste has been there for some time, very carefully wash your hair with shikakai. Remember that you must wash your hair very carefully ensuring that no residue is left behind.
This treatment is very effective and if done regularly can guarantee no dandruff.
Natural Treatments for Dandruff with Lime:
Lime is a very vitamin rich natural resource. After you have shampooed your hair with a good and not so harsh shampoo, use a bit of limejuice and smear all over your hair. Let it be like that for some time and then carefully wash your hair.
This not only protects your scalp from dandruff but also keeps your hair glowing and non-sticky.
Found them on : http://www.home-remedies-natural-cures.o...
Reply:all you have to do to take lemoun juice two spoons and mix a tea spoon full of sugar and add them ,and then apply this mixture on your scalp properly at night time. and in morning wash your hairs, try this ,it will work.
Reply:why do you want to bother with a home recipe?
just go out and buy anti-dandruff shampoo.
it'll probably work better than... rosemary oil... and any other suggestions people will give you xD
my rodents
Dandruff home remedies and natural cures, Questions and answers
Dandruff treatment using Fenugreek Seeds
The use of fenugreek seeds is one of the most important remedies in the treatment of dandruff. Two tablespoons of these seeds should be soaked overnight in water and ground into a fine paste in the morning. This paste should be applied all over the scalp and left for half an hour. The hair should then be washed thoroughly with soap-nut (ritha) solution or shikakai.
Dandruff treatment using Lime
The use of a teaspoon of fresh lime juice for the last rinse, while washing the hair, is another useful remedy. This not only leaves the hair glowing but also removes stickiness and prevents dandruff.
Dandruff treatment using Green Gram Powder
A valuable prescription for removal of dandruff is the use of green gram powder. The hair should be washed twice a week with two tablespoons of this powder mixed with half a cup of curd.
Dandruff treatment using Beet
Beets have been found useful in dandruff. Both tops and roots should be boiled in water and this water should be massaged into the scalp with the finger tips every night. White beet is better for this purpose.
Dandruff treatment using Snake Gourd
The juice of snake gourd has been found beneficial in the prevention and treatment of dandruff. The juice should be rubbed over the scalp for this purpose.
Dandruff treatment using Other Remedies
Dandruff can be removed by massaging the hair for half an hour with curd which has been kept in the open for three days, or with a few drops of lime juice mixed with amla juice every night, before going to bed. Another measure which helps to counteract dandruff is to dilute cider vinegar with an equal quantity of water and dab this on to the hair with cotton wool inbetween shampooing. Cider vinegar added to the final rinsing water after shampooing also helps to disperse dandruff.
Is there any home remedies to take dandruff away? I know about the Rosemary oil one, are there any others?
Here are 2 more:
Dandruff Home Remedies with Fenugreek and Shikakai:
The Fenugreek and Shikakai treatment is a very good natural remedy to control and stop dandruff formation.
* Soak two teaspoons of fenugreek seeds in water and let it soak over night. Make a fine paste of the soaked seeds and apply it all over the scalp and let it be like that for sometime. After the paste has been there for some time, very carefully wash your hair with shikakai. Remember that you must wash your hair very carefully ensuring that no residue is left behind.
This treatment is very effective and if done regularly can guarantee no dandruff.
Natural Treatments for Dandruff with Lime:
Lime is a very vitamin rich natural resource. After you have shampooed your hair with a good and not so harsh shampoo, use a bit of limejuice and smear all over your hair. Let it be like that for some time and then carefully wash your hair.
This not only protects your scalp from dandruff but also keeps your hair glowing and non-sticky.
Found them on : http://www.home-remedies-natural-cures.o...
Reply:all you have to do to take lemoun juice two spoons and mix a tea spoon full of sugar and add them ,and then apply this mixture on your scalp properly at night time. and in morning wash your hairs, try this ,it will work.
Reply:why do you want to bother with a home recipe?
just go out and buy anti-dandruff shampoo.
it'll probably work better than... rosemary oil... and any other suggestions people will give you xD
my rodents
What is a good fertilizer for my rosemary plant? I bring it indoors for the winter?
I live in Mass and I bring it in for the winter. It is starting to drop and look brown. It is in a cool room near a window.
What is a good fertilizer for my rosemary plant? I bring it indoors for the winter?
Either of the above are fine. My concern is you might have mites (browning). Give the plant a shower every day or every other day. You can even make up a soapy water solution (WEAK) and swish the plant with that and then rinse.
Even as an evergreen they will drop needles, the older ones, so hopefully these are just the older needles. And you do have limited light in winter, might need to supplement with fluorescent light near the plant....like 12 inches or less.
Being a Mediterranean plant, it doesn't like soggy soils, hopefully you haven't been overwatering. And they do need cooler temps at night......so lower the thermostat at night.
Reply:i got alaska fish fertilizer it has fish oil in it.get anything with fish oil it works great for indoor and outdoor plants see if you can find it at the hardware store.remember the kind with the fish oil in it is the best.
Reply:The best is Miracle Grow!
It's good for any plant and grass. (Not the kind you smoke though)
What is a good fertilizer for my rosemary plant? I bring it indoors for the winter?
Either of the above are fine. My concern is you might have mites (browning). Give the plant a shower every day or every other day. You can even make up a soapy water solution (WEAK) and swish the plant with that and then rinse.
Even as an evergreen they will drop needles, the older ones, so hopefully these are just the older needles. And you do have limited light in winter, might need to supplement with fluorescent light near the plant....like 12 inches or less.
Being a Mediterranean plant, it doesn't like soggy soils, hopefully you haven't been overwatering. And they do need cooler temps at night......so lower the thermostat at night.
Reply:i got alaska fish fertilizer it has fish oil in it.get anything with fish oil it works great for indoor and outdoor plants see if you can find it at the hardware store.remember the kind with the fish oil in it is the best.
Reply:The best is Miracle Grow!
It's good for any plant and grass. (Not the kind you smoke though)
Free Fresh Rosemary to anyone Near Osterley Park?
I have just trimmed back my Rosemary tree and have about a carrier bag of fresh rosemary to give away. So if anyone is interested and your are close to Osterley park you can pick it up. Please contact me by email and make the arrangements or if anyone has any suggestions as to whom I could give this to let me know. It woud be a pity to recycle it because it is very expensive to buy .
We use it to cook all sorts of things and it is very deliciouis when used fresh.
Free Fresh Rosemary to anyone Near Osterley Park?
It would be wilted by the time I got there. Maybe a restaurant would take it off your hands.
Reply:I do not want the rosemary as I live about 100 miles from you. Thought yo might be interested to know that I played rugby for Osterley RFC in the late 50s and early 60s.
I lived in Southall at that time. By the way Rosemary is wonderful to cook all sort with. I have a large bush of it in the garden.
We use it to cook all sorts of things and it is very deliciouis when used fresh.
Free Fresh Rosemary to anyone Near Osterley Park?
It would be wilted by the time I got there. Maybe a restaurant would take it off your hands.
Reply:I do not want the rosemary as I live about 100 miles from you. Thought yo might be interested to know that I played rugby for Osterley RFC in the late 50s and early 60s.
I lived in Southall at that time. By the way Rosemary is wonderful to cook all sort with. I have a large bush of it in the garden.
What is the proper way to store fresh herbs,rosemary,basil etc.?
I have fresh rosemary still growing outside,last yr.I brought it in an placed in plastic bags then put in fridge,it was fine this time it turned black what happened?
What is the proper way to store fresh herbs,rosemary,basil etc.?
Reply:If you’ve just harvested herbs from your own garden and you know they haven’t been exposed to pesticides or other contaminants, give them a visual inspection (with a light) for bugs or dirt. If they have neither, there’s no need to wash them before storing. Leaves of fresh herbs are much easier to handle and chop when they are completely dry. If you plan to store them in the refrigerator, know that extra moisture on the leaves promotes decay. If you buy herbs from a supermarket or you can see or feel dirt on the herbs from your own garden (especially if they were harvested close to the ground), you’ll have to wash and visually check them before storing. (As Rabbi Dovid Bistricer, the OU’s expert on herbs and spices pointed out to me, pesticides are not an absolute safeguard against insects, and washing is not a substitute for checking.
Washing: When you only have a few sprigs to wash, hold them under the tap for a rinse, then shake them off and pat them dry between paper towels. With larger bunches of herbs it’s more effective to submerge them in water the way you would wash salad greens. Fill the bucket of a salad spinner or a large bowl with cold water. Drop in the herbs and swish them around so that the dirt releases and can sink. to the bottom. Then lift them out of the water and dry them either in the salad spinner or by patting them dry between paper towels or in a clean dishtowel. If you have a large bunch of herbs with all the stems at the bottom, the way parsley and cilantro are usually sold, the process is even easier. Hold the herb bunch by the stems and plunge it up and down in the water. Still holding it by the stems, remove it from the water and shake it over the sink or out the backdoor, snapping your wrist as if you were shaking down a thermometer. If they’re still not dry, spin them or pat dry with paper towels.
Storing: The best way to store fresh herbs is to put them into a resealable plastic freezer bag, and keep it at 40 to 45 degrees F, the temperature in a refrigerator’s crisper. Don’t wash them before you store them-the drier the leaves are the longer and fresher they will keep. When I have several varieties, I put them in separate bags and loosely pack them in a tightly sealed large plastic container, and then keep it in the vegetable crisper or on a refrigerator shelf, but I avoid cold spots like the rear of the lower shelf. Some tender-leafed herbs, most notably basil and lemon verbena, will turn black at temperatures below 40 degrees F. I try to keep the container loosely packed so the herbs don’t crush. If just harvested, most herbs should remain in good shape for well over a week, although their intensity of flavor diminishes as time goes on. Herbs with tough leaves like rosemary, thyme, sage, and bay will keep for two weeks or longer, but herbs with delicate leaves, like chervil or lemon verbena, will last only a few days. Some cooks like to wrap the herbs in damp paper towels and then put them in plastic bags, but the extra moisture only invites decay. The resealable produce bags that have tiny holes for air circulation are effective if the leaves are wet and moisture needs to escape, but herbs with dry leaves will last much longer if sealed airtight. The conventional wisdom that advises storing cut herbs as if they were cut flowers, standing up in a glass or pitcher of water either on the counter on in the refrigerator, makes sense if you are keeping herbs a day or two, but like cut flowers, their stems soon begin to rot and the water becomes rank. Even if you change the water, I find the herbs suffer. And if the glass is placed in the refrigerator, it inevitably gets knocked over, spilling the water onto everything below. The only time I stand herb sprigs in water is when I want to hold them at room temperature for more than an hour. Basil, cilantro, and parsley are three that keep particularly well for a few days with their stems in water on a cool kitchen counter. You might want to try cleaning a batch at a time, chopping it up and add enough oil to cover and freeze it. Have fun.
Reply:temperature may be too low? I would chop them up,put n ice cube trays with water and freeze.
What is the proper way to store fresh herbs,rosemary,basil etc.?
Reply:If you’ve just harvested herbs from your own garden and you know they haven’t been exposed to pesticides or other contaminants, give them a visual inspection (with a light) for bugs or dirt. If they have neither, there’s no need to wash them before storing. Leaves of fresh herbs are much easier to handle and chop when they are completely dry. If you plan to store them in the refrigerator, know that extra moisture on the leaves promotes decay. If you buy herbs from a supermarket or you can see or feel dirt on the herbs from your own garden (especially if they were harvested close to the ground), you’ll have to wash and visually check them before storing. (As Rabbi Dovid Bistricer, the OU’s expert on herbs and spices pointed out to me, pesticides are not an absolute safeguard against insects, and washing is not a substitute for checking.
Washing: When you only have a few sprigs to wash, hold them under the tap for a rinse, then shake them off and pat them dry between paper towels. With larger bunches of herbs it’s more effective to submerge them in water the way you would wash salad greens. Fill the bucket of a salad spinner or a large bowl with cold water. Drop in the herbs and swish them around so that the dirt releases and can sink. to the bottom. Then lift them out of the water and dry them either in the salad spinner or by patting them dry between paper towels or in a clean dishtowel. If you have a large bunch of herbs with all the stems at the bottom, the way parsley and cilantro are usually sold, the process is even easier. Hold the herb bunch by the stems and plunge it up and down in the water. Still holding it by the stems, remove it from the water and shake it over the sink or out the backdoor, snapping your wrist as if you were shaking down a thermometer. If they’re still not dry, spin them or pat dry with paper towels.
Storing: The best way to store fresh herbs is to put them into a resealable plastic freezer bag, and keep it at 40 to 45 degrees F, the temperature in a refrigerator’s crisper. Don’t wash them before you store them-the drier the leaves are the longer and fresher they will keep. When I have several varieties, I put them in separate bags and loosely pack them in a tightly sealed large plastic container, and then keep it in the vegetable crisper or on a refrigerator shelf, but I avoid cold spots like the rear of the lower shelf. Some tender-leafed herbs, most notably basil and lemon verbena, will turn black at temperatures below 40 degrees F. I try to keep the container loosely packed so the herbs don’t crush. If just harvested, most herbs should remain in good shape for well over a week, although their intensity of flavor diminishes as time goes on. Herbs with tough leaves like rosemary, thyme, sage, and bay will keep for two weeks or longer, but herbs with delicate leaves, like chervil or lemon verbena, will last only a few days. Some cooks like to wrap the herbs in damp paper towels and then put them in plastic bags, but the extra moisture only invites decay. The resealable produce bags that have tiny holes for air circulation are effective if the leaves are wet and moisture needs to escape, but herbs with dry leaves will last much longer if sealed airtight. The conventional wisdom that advises storing cut herbs as if they were cut flowers, standing up in a glass or pitcher of water either on the counter on in the refrigerator, makes sense if you are keeping herbs a day or two, but like cut flowers, their stems soon begin to rot and the water becomes rank. Even if you change the water, I find the herbs suffer. And if the glass is placed in the refrigerator, it inevitably gets knocked over, spilling the water onto everything below. The only time I stand herb sprigs in water is when I want to hold them at room temperature for more than an hour. Basil, cilantro, and parsley are three that keep particularly well for a few days with their stems in water on a cool kitchen counter. You might want to try cleaning a batch at a time, chopping it up and add enough oil to cover and freeze it. Have fun.
Reply:temperature may be too low? I would chop them up,put n ice cube trays with water and freeze.
What are the benefits from drinking rosemary tea?
Does it help you sleep better?
What are the benefits from drinking rosemary tea?
Here's some info on Rosemary I give to my patients..
ROSEMARY Rosmarinus officinalis (mint family)
Also known as- Rosmarinus officinalis. Romero, Dew of the Sea, and Romero
Rosemary is an aromatic evergreen mint that grows to a height of about three feet (one meter). It bears narrow, thick, needle-like green leaves and pale blue to violet flowers. The leaves and the essential oil distilled form the leaves are used in herbal medicine.
A potent antiseptic, antioxidant, and antispasmodic useful in treating circulatory conditions, eczema, rheumatism, stiff muscles, alzheimer's, cancer, indigestion, and irritable bowel syndrome.
Active constituents include: 1,8-cineole, acetic acid, camphor, carnosol, carvacrol, carvone, caryophyllene, chlorogenic acid, geraniol, hesperidin, limonene, luteolin, rosmarinic acid, salicylates.
Antioxidant, antiseptic, and antispasmodic, rosemary is a key herb in European herbal medicine.
For centuries, rosemary has been used to treat arthritis, baldness, headaches, stomach upset, pains, strains, cuts, scrapes, and bruises.
Contemporary scientific research suggests that rosemary may be useful for:
~ Alzheimer's. Phytochemicals in rosemary may prevent the breakdown of acetylcholine, a chemical that allows neurons within the brain to communicate with each other.
~ Cancer. Several laboratory studies suggest that rosemary contains compounds that prevent carcinogenic chemicals from bind to and inducing mutations in DNA.
~ Circulatory problems. The camphor content finely chopped rosemary or essential oil of rosemary to bath water helps stimulate blood circulation the skin.
~ Eczema. Increased circulation in the skin after application of rosemary may carry away inflammatory chemicals.
~ Indigestion. Rosemary prevents abdominal cramps.
~ Irritable bowel syndrome. Rosemary relieves intestinal cramps and spasms by stimulating the release of bile that helps digest fat. It also relieves bloating and gas.
~ Menstrual cramps. Antioxidant compounds in rosemary prevent uterine spasms.
~ Yeast infection. Rosemary is not only fungicidal but also diuretic. It stops growth of yeast and helps remove yeast cells from the lining of the urinary tract.
Rosemary leaves can be made into infusions for topical use. Essential oils and enteric-coated capsules are also available.
CAUTIONS: Essential oil of rosemary should never be ingested.
Women who have heavy periods should avoid excessive use of rosemary, since it stimulate menstrual flow. The herb should not be used medicinally during pregnancy. Small amounts of rosemary used in cooking, however, are safe for pregnant women and for women who have heavy periods.
Hope this helps.
Craig - Naturopath
poison ivy
What are the benefits from drinking rosemary tea?
Here's some info on Rosemary I give to my patients..
ROSEMARY Rosmarinus officinalis (mint family)
Also known as- Rosmarinus officinalis. Romero, Dew of the Sea, and Romero
Rosemary is an aromatic evergreen mint that grows to a height of about three feet (one meter). It bears narrow, thick, needle-like green leaves and pale blue to violet flowers. The leaves and the essential oil distilled form the leaves are used in herbal medicine.
A potent antiseptic, antioxidant, and antispasmodic useful in treating circulatory conditions, eczema, rheumatism, stiff muscles, alzheimer's, cancer, indigestion, and irritable bowel syndrome.
Active constituents include: 1,8-cineole, acetic acid, camphor, carnosol, carvacrol, carvone, caryophyllene, chlorogenic acid, geraniol, hesperidin, limonene, luteolin, rosmarinic acid, salicylates.
Antioxidant, antiseptic, and antispasmodic, rosemary is a key herb in European herbal medicine.
For centuries, rosemary has been used to treat arthritis, baldness, headaches, stomach upset, pains, strains, cuts, scrapes, and bruises.
Contemporary scientific research suggests that rosemary may be useful for:
~ Alzheimer's. Phytochemicals in rosemary may prevent the breakdown of acetylcholine, a chemical that allows neurons within the brain to communicate with each other.
~ Cancer. Several laboratory studies suggest that rosemary contains compounds that prevent carcinogenic chemicals from bind to and inducing mutations in DNA.
~ Circulatory problems. The camphor content finely chopped rosemary or essential oil of rosemary to bath water helps stimulate blood circulation the skin.
~ Eczema. Increased circulation in the skin after application of rosemary may carry away inflammatory chemicals.
~ Indigestion. Rosemary prevents abdominal cramps.
~ Irritable bowel syndrome. Rosemary relieves intestinal cramps and spasms by stimulating the release of bile that helps digest fat. It also relieves bloating and gas.
~ Menstrual cramps. Antioxidant compounds in rosemary prevent uterine spasms.
~ Yeast infection. Rosemary is not only fungicidal but also diuretic. It stops growth of yeast and helps remove yeast cells from the lining of the urinary tract.
Rosemary leaves can be made into infusions for topical use. Essential oils and enteric-coated capsules are also available.
CAUTIONS: Essential oil of rosemary should never be ingested.
Women who have heavy periods should avoid excessive use of rosemary, since it stimulate menstrual flow. The herb should not be used medicinally during pregnancy. Small amounts of rosemary used in cooking, however, are safe for pregnant women and for women who have heavy periods.
Hope this helps.
Craig - Naturopath
poison ivy
I think I killed my rosemary topiaries. What is the best way to revive them?
I left them in the hot summer sun and they haven't really recovered. Now it's winter and I've watered them faithfully and misted them and had them in the light. Can I fix them?
I think I killed my rosemary topiaries. What is the best way to revive them?
a friend of mine sticks sea shells on top of the soil for potted rosemary and swears by it. it has something to do with them preferring a little more salt or something than other plants.
Reply:Prune off any unsightly (dead, brown, yellow, dying) leaves and/or branches. Lift the pot, Light = dry, aerate and water. Heavy= wet, allow to dry out, empty drip pan. Rosemary is pretty tough, with your continued care as stated in the question it should be OK. good luck
I think I killed my rosemary topiaries. What is the best way to revive them?
a friend of mine sticks sea shells on top of the soil for potted rosemary and swears by it. it has something to do with them preferring a little more salt or something than other plants.
Reply:Prune off any unsightly (dead, brown, yellow, dying) leaves and/or branches. Lift the pot, Light = dry, aerate and water. Heavy= wet, allow to dry out, empty drip pan. Rosemary is pretty tough, with your continued care as stated in the question it should be OK. good luck
How much would it cost for Rosemary?
This is for my Double award Health %26amp; Social care coursework. I need to find out about holistic treatment so I picked herbalism but I can't find the cost of rosemary pleaseeeeee help! =] xxxxxxx
How much would it cost for Rosemary?
There are different rosemary products such as soap , oil, leaves, extracts, essence. lotion, hair oil etc.
The site below has them. Click on more and you get the price.
How much would it cost for Rosemary?
There are different rosemary products such as soap , oil, leaves, extracts, essence. lotion, hair oil etc.
The site below has them. Click on more and you get the price.
How do I take care of mint, lavendar, and rosemary plants in my garden?
I moved into a house that has a garden out front. I don't know much about gardening, but would love to learn. This part of the house receives lots of sunlight. The garden is beginning to look overgrown and I need to tend to it, but I don't know how to prune or what to prune and what to do with the "harvested" herbs. Help!
How do I take care of mint, lavendar, and rosemary plants in my garden?
very nice, detailed answer spitfire! I have all 3 and I do not do a thing to them but cut and dry the mint and rosemary.
the lavender I just let go and it gets NO water and it is thriving
The mint can also be cut fresh and put in some boiling water let sit for 10 min. after swishing it a few times, take out and sugar and you have the best tasting tea..even my 8 year old loves it..also got most our friends hooked onto it lol.
I also use the rosemay in bread that I make and I use it in a pasta salad that has all of the fresh herbs with some oil and a little salt and pepper all friends hooked on that also..grin
Sorry spit not trying to compete..just seems we always answer the same questions huh? Seems we have the same tastes in just about everything:)
Reply:They say one can never get enough lavender. You can tie the flowers - on their long stems, with their leaves - in bunches and hang these upside down to dry. I hang my bunches up and down one long string which gets suspended at the side of a doorway - perfumes the house while they dry.
When dry, usually I leave mine for a few weeks, strip the flowers %26amp; leaves with your fingers. These can be used with tea, or for certain desserts, but the flavor is strong so a little goes a long way. The bulk of the dried flowers %26amp; leaves go into a sachet, a dainty little bag, fancy or plain, that you can sew easily. Or several sachets. These are for sweater or lingerie drawers or for linen closets. If you're really lucky and have a serious amount of flowers you can make a small lavender pillow. You wouldn't believe how fragrant these are. And they last for years.
There are different schools of thought about pruning lavender. Probably a good idea is to observe it for a year or two to get an idea of how it wants to be treated in your climate. Where I live, the lavender grows woody and shrubby, with new growth each spring emerging from the tips of long dead-looking woody growth if left unpruned. So I tend to prune part of each plant drastically in the fall, removing the oldest stalks right down to the crown, so as to encourage strong new growth from the crown of the plant the following spring.
Lavender is perhaps the most universal medicinal plant, good for whatever-ails-ya. It has antiseptic, antibiotic, even very mild anti-depressant properties. For a thousand years or more it has turned up everywhere, in waters, extracts, essential oils, perfumes, salves and creams.
Reply:Ohhh I'm jealous! Like the other respondee said - lucky to find a house that came with a garden!! Lavender - mmmm!!! No advice here - sounds like you got it!
Reply:Nice to get a garden with a house, huh? Anyhow, mint takes care of itself and is considered a weed by many because if it is in the ground it will take over and spread like wild fire. With the mint you will have to keep it in check by pulling often. You might look into interesting ways to use it. The Lavender is a little more fussy. The problem here is that you probably don't know if that lavender is used to being pruned, therefore, my suggestion is to not prune it or you might kill it. Water your lavender at the base once a week and it should continue nicely as it is. Rosemary is easy, however, if you have cold winters you will need to move it inside or replace it every year because one freeze will kill it. Water rosemary once a week as well. Hope this helps a little.
You can use fresh sprigs of mint in your tea or on top of desserts or you can dry it and use it as tea. Rosemary is good in meat dishes or stews and you can use it fresh or dried. Lavender is used for potpourri or mixed in soaps.
How do I take care of mint, lavendar, and rosemary plants in my garden?
very nice, detailed answer spitfire! I have all 3 and I do not do a thing to them but cut and dry the mint and rosemary.
the lavender I just let go and it gets NO water and it is thriving
The mint can also be cut fresh and put in some boiling water let sit for 10 min. after swishing it a few times, take out and sugar and you have the best tasting tea..even my 8 year old loves it..also got most our friends hooked onto it lol.
I also use the rosemay in bread that I make and I use it in a pasta salad that has all of the fresh herbs with some oil and a little salt and pepper all friends hooked on that also..grin
Sorry spit not trying to compete..just seems we always answer the same questions huh? Seems we have the same tastes in just about everything:)
Reply:They say one can never get enough lavender. You can tie the flowers - on their long stems, with their leaves - in bunches and hang these upside down to dry. I hang my bunches up and down one long string which gets suspended at the side of a doorway - perfumes the house while they dry.
When dry, usually I leave mine for a few weeks, strip the flowers %26amp; leaves with your fingers. These can be used with tea, or for certain desserts, but the flavor is strong so a little goes a long way. The bulk of the dried flowers %26amp; leaves go into a sachet, a dainty little bag, fancy or plain, that you can sew easily. Or several sachets. These are for sweater or lingerie drawers or for linen closets. If you're really lucky and have a serious amount of flowers you can make a small lavender pillow. You wouldn't believe how fragrant these are. And they last for years.
There are different schools of thought about pruning lavender. Probably a good idea is to observe it for a year or two to get an idea of how it wants to be treated in your climate. Where I live, the lavender grows woody and shrubby, with new growth each spring emerging from the tips of long dead-looking woody growth if left unpruned. So I tend to prune part of each plant drastically in the fall, removing the oldest stalks right down to the crown, so as to encourage strong new growth from the crown of the plant the following spring.
Lavender is perhaps the most universal medicinal plant, good for whatever-ails-ya. It has antiseptic, antibiotic, even very mild anti-depressant properties. For a thousand years or more it has turned up everywhere, in waters, extracts, essential oils, perfumes, salves and creams.
Reply:Ohhh I'm jealous! Like the other respondee said - lucky to find a house that came with a garden!! Lavender - mmmm!!! No advice here - sounds like you got it!
Reply:Nice to get a garden with a house, huh? Anyhow, mint takes care of itself and is considered a weed by many because if it is in the ground it will take over and spread like wild fire. With the mint you will have to keep it in check by pulling often. You might look into interesting ways to use it. The Lavender is a little more fussy. The problem here is that you probably don't know if that lavender is used to being pruned, therefore, my suggestion is to not prune it or you might kill it. Water your lavender at the base once a week and it should continue nicely as it is. Rosemary is easy, however, if you have cold winters you will need to move it inside or replace it every year because one freeze will kill it. Water rosemary once a week as well. Hope this helps a little.
You can use fresh sprigs of mint in your tea or on top of desserts or you can dry it and use it as tea. Rosemary is good in meat dishes or stews and you can use it fresh or dried. Lavender is used for potpourri or mixed in soaps.
What is the best location to plant my rosemary bush?
What kind of soil does it like, and what kid of fertilizer? I live in Zone 7 in the USA.
What is the best location to plant my rosemary bush?
I would plant it in a sunny to partly shady location in well drained soil. They tend to like acidic soil..(They are an evergreen...most evergreens like acidic soil) If you fertilize use miracid (made by miracle gro) Just follow the directions on the box...I think it should be used every two weeks. Also, Rosemary likes to be pruned. It encourages fuller bushier growth. They can also be used as topiaries. ( Those shapes made out of plants......) Also, they are prone to powdery mildew...something to keep an eye out for.
Reply:That depends on how much pruning you like to do. Rosemary can get 16' tall and 30' wide without pruning. Choose a spot with well-drained soil. Sun or shade, this plant will grow as long as it gets enough water. Under a bedroom window is nice if you love the smell. Over by the neighbor's dog run if you want to cover up a smell or hide your pool from prying eyes...
Reply:It is best to plant the bush in a sunny but sheltered spot with well drained soil---to keep pests away (organically) plant your rosemary with cabbage or broccoli---
Reply:My rosemary grows anywhere....I can't get rid of it...lol. All my friends have clones from my plants and all of theirs are doing fine. Maybe its Washington State weather that the plant likes...I have no clue? As for fertilizer...I use fish fertilizer on everything :)
shoes stock
What is the best location to plant my rosemary bush?
I would plant it in a sunny to partly shady location in well drained soil. They tend to like acidic soil..(They are an evergreen...most evergreens like acidic soil) If you fertilize use miracid (made by miracle gro) Just follow the directions on the box...I think it should be used every two weeks. Also, Rosemary likes to be pruned. It encourages fuller bushier growth. They can also be used as topiaries. ( Those shapes made out of plants......) Also, they are prone to powdery mildew...something to keep an eye out for.
Reply:That depends on how much pruning you like to do. Rosemary can get 16' tall and 30' wide without pruning. Choose a spot with well-drained soil. Sun or shade, this plant will grow as long as it gets enough water. Under a bedroom window is nice if you love the smell. Over by the neighbor's dog run if you want to cover up a smell or hide your pool from prying eyes...
Reply:It is best to plant the bush in a sunny but sheltered spot with well drained soil---to keep pests away (organically) plant your rosemary with cabbage or broccoli---
Reply:My rosemary grows anywhere....I can't get rid of it...lol. All my friends have clones from my plants and all of theirs are doing fine. Maybe its Washington State weather that the plant likes...I have no clue? As for fertilizer...I use fish fertilizer on everything :)
shoes stock
Does anyone know of a good Chicken and Rosemary Pasta recipe?
The recipes i'm finding don't really say anything about the chicken, and I can't find a good one. Help!
Does anyone know of a good Chicken and Rosemary Pasta recipe?
1 lb
boneless, skinless chicken breast
450 g
1 Tbsp
extra virgin olive oil
15 mL
2 cloves
garlic, minced
2 cloves
1 cup
white onions, diced
250 mL
1 can
mushrooms, sliced (8 oz / 225 g)
1 can
3 cups
Marinara pasta sauce
750 mL
¼ cup
half and half cream, (10% BF)
60 mL
2 Tbsp
balsamic vinegar
30 mL
calamata olives, without pits
½ tsp
red or cayenne pepper
2.5 mL
½ cup
parsley, minced
125 mL
1 Tbsp fresh rosemary, minced
15 mL
1 pkg whole wheat fusilli pasta
(13 oz / 375 g)
1 pkg
1 cup
partly skimmed mozzarella cheese
250 mL
¼ cup
parmesan cheese
Preheat the oven to 450°F (230°C). Cut the chicken breast cross-wise into smaller bite size pieces.
Heat the oil in a heavy-based pot over medium-high heat. Sauté the onions, garlic and chicken stirring occasionally until cooked through and nicely browned.
Add the mushrooms, pasta sauce and the cream to the pot. Bring to a boil over medium-high heat, reduce to a gentle simmer and cook for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally, so that the sauce thickens slightly.
Stir balsamic vinegar, pitted chopped olives, cayenne pepper, minced parsley and rosemary into the sauce. Cook until heated through - about 5 minutes.
Cook the whole wheat pasta in unsalted boiling water until al dente following packaged directions. Cook the pasta less than you normally would, as it will be cooked further in the oven.
Drain the pasta and add it to the sauce. Spray a 3 L oblong baking dish with non-fat cooking spray. Spread the pasta and sauce evenly in the dish.
Top the pasta with the mozzarella and parmesan cheeses and additional minced fresh parsley. Bake until the cheese is golden brown, about 15 minutes.
Reply:Pasta with Rosemary, Chicken and Asparagus
8 oz. Mostaccioli, Ziti or other medium pasta shape, uncooked
1 tbsp. vegetable oil
1 clove garlic, minced
1/2 tsp. dried rosemary
10 oz. boneless, skinless chicken breast, trimmed of fat and cut into bite-size, thin strips
16 asparagus spears, sliced thin (about 2 cups), or 1 10-oz. package frozen asparagus, thawed and drained, sliced thin
1/2 cup chicken broth
2 tbsp. parsley, chopped
2 tbsp. grated Parmesan cheese
Salt and freshly ground pepper to taste
Heat vegetable oil in a deep skillet over medium heat. Add garlic and rosemary and cook 15 seconds. Add chicken and cook, tossing well, until lightly browned, about 3 minutes.
Add asparagus, chicken broth, parsley and pasta to skillet. Increase heat to high and boil, stirring occasionally, until liquid has reduced enough to lightly cover pasta.
Sprinkle Parmesan, salt and pepper over pasta and toss. Serve immediately.
Reply:Rosemary Chicken with Pasta:
7½ hours 20 min prep
4 servings
1 medium onion, chopped
4 cloves garlic, minced
4 boneless skinless chicken breasts
1 (14 1/2 ounce) can diced tomatoes
1 (6 ounce) can tomato paste
2 tablespoons red wine vinegar
2 bay leaves
1/2 teaspoon dried rosemary, crushed
1/4 teaspoon salt ("or" to taste)
1/4 teaspoon pepper ("or" to taste)
1 (4 ounce) can sliced mushrooms, drained
8 ounces dried mostaccioli pasta or penne pasta
grated parmesan cheese
1. In crock pot, place onions and garlic.
2. Add chicken.
3. In mixing bowl, mix together undrained tomatoes, tomato paste, vinegar, bay leaves, rosemary, salt and pepper.
4. Pour over chicken.
5. Cover and cook on low for 7 hours.
6. When ready to serve, remove bay leaves; stir mushrooms into chicken mixture; cook 5-10 minutes more to heat through.
7. Cook pasta according to package directions.
8. Serve the chicken and sauce over the hot cooked pasta; sprinkle with Parmesan cheese.
Does anyone know of a good Chicken and Rosemary Pasta recipe?
1 lb
boneless, skinless chicken breast
450 g
1 Tbsp
extra virgin olive oil
15 mL
2 cloves
garlic, minced
2 cloves
1 cup
white onions, diced
250 mL
1 can
mushrooms, sliced (8 oz / 225 g)
1 can
3 cups
Marinara pasta sauce
750 mL
¼ cup
half and half cream, (10% BF)
60 mL
2 Tbsp
balsamic vinegar
30 mL
calamata olives, without pits
½ tsp
red or cayenne pepper
2.5 mL
½ cup
parsley, minced
125 mL
1 Tbsp fresh rosemary, minced
15 mL
1 pkg whole wheat fusilli pasta
(13 oz / 375 g)
1 pkg
1 cup
partly skimmed mozzarella cheese
250 mL
¼ cup
parmesan cheese
Preheat the oven to 450°F (230°C). Cut the chicken breast cross-wise into smaller bite size pieces.
Heat the oil in a heavy-based pot over medium-high heat. Sauté the onions, garlic and chicken stirring occasionally until cooked through and nicely browned.
Add the mushrooms, pasta sauce and the cream to the pot. Bring to a boil over medium-high heat, reduce to a gentle simmer and cook for 10 minutes, stirring occasionally, so that the sauce thickens slightly.
Stir balsamic vinegar, pitted chopped olives, cayenne pepper, minced parsley and rosemary into the sauce. Cook until heated through - about 5 minutes.
Cook the whole wheat pasta in unsalted boiling water until al dente following packaged directions. Cook the pasta less than you normally would, as it will be cooked further in the oven.
Drain the pasta and add it to the sauce. Spray a 3 L oblong baking dish with non-fat cooking spray. Spread the pasta and sauce evenly in the dish.
Top the pasta with the mozzarella and parmesan cheeses and additional minced fresh parsley. Bake until the cheese is golden brown, about 15 minutes.
Reply:Pasta with Rosemary, Chicken and Asparagus
8 oz. Mostaccioli, Ziti or other medium pasta shape, uncooked
1 tbsp. vegetable oil
1 clove garlic, minced
1/2 tsp. dried rosemary
10 oz. boneless, skinless chicken breast, trimmed of fat and cut into bite-size, thin strips
16 asparagus spears, sliced thin (about 2 cups), or 1 10-oz. package frozen asparagus, thawed and drained, sliced thin
1/2 cup chicken broth
2 tbsp. parsley, chopped
2 tbsp. grated Parmesan cheese
Salt and freshly ground pepper to taste
Heat vegetable oil in a deep skillet over medium heat. Add garlic and rosemary and cook 15 seconds. Add chicken and cook, tossing well, until lightly browned, about 3 minutes.
Add asparagus, chicken broth, parsley and pasta to skillet. Increase heat to high and boil, stirring occasionally, until liquid has reduced enough to lightly cover pasta.
Sprinkle Parmesan, salt and pepper over pasta and toss. Serve immediately.
Reply:Rosemary Chicken with Pasta:
7½ hours 20 min prep
4 servings
1 medium onion, chopped
4 cloves garlic, minced
4 boneless skinless chicken breasts
1 (14 1/2 ounce) can diced tomatoes
1 (6 ounce) can tomato paste
2 tablespoons red wine vinegar
2 bay leaves
1/2 teaspoon dried rosemary, crushed
1/4 teaspoon salt ("or" to taste)
1/4 teaspoon pepper ("or" to taste)
1 (4 ounce) can sliced mushrooms, drained
8 ounces dried mostaccioli pasta or penne pasta
grated parmesan cheese
1. In crock pot, place onions and garlic.
2. Add chicken.
3. In mixing bowl, mix together undrained tomatoes, tomato paste, vinegar, bay leaves, rosemary, salt and pepper.
4. Pour over chicken.
5. Cover and cook on low for 7 hours.
6. When ready to serve, remove bay leaves; stir mushrooms into chicken mixture; cook 5-10 minutes more to heat through.
7. Cook pasta according to package directions.
8. Serve the chicken and sauce over the hot cooked pasta; sprinkle with Parmesan cheese.
What's a good side dish for rosemary lambchops and garlic mashed potatoes?
I have some red bell peppers and onions I could use. I dont' have to use them though-I could pick something totally new up at the store. So if you have an idea different from my spinach-pepper-onion skillet dish, feel free to give me the details! :)
I was thinking of getting some fresh spinach at the store and adding the peppers and some caramelized onions for a warm side dish, but how would I do that?
What's a good side dish for rosemary lambchops and garlic mashed potatoes?
Do something simple like fresh green beans (maybe with almonds). But keep it simple.
Reply:asparagus, just like chuck m says. i like to roast mine and serve drizzled with balsamic
Reply:3 vine ripe tomatoes, cut into chunks
1 red onion, thinly sliced
1/2 European seedless cucumber, cut into bite-size chunks
1 small red bell pepper, seeded and chunked
1 small green bell pepper, seeded and chunked
1 cubanelle pepper, seeded and chunked
1 cup Kalamata black olives
Several sprigs fresh flat-leaf parsley, about 1/2 cup
2 (1/4 pound) slices imported Greek feta
1/4 cup (a couple of glugs) extra-virgin olive oil
3 tablespoons (3 splashes) red wine vinegar
1 teaspoon dried oregano, crushed in palm of your hand
Coarse salt and black pepper
Pita breads
Combine vegetables, olives, and parsley in a large bowl. Rest sliced feta on the top of salad. Combine oil, vinegar, and oregano in a small plastic container with a lid. Shake vigorously to combine oil and vinegar and pour over salad and cheese. Season with salt and pepper and let the salad marinate until ready to serve. Serve salad with pita bread blistered and warmed on a hot griddle or grill pan
Reply:Mmmmmm....something nice and simple....Like butter glazed baby carrots...dont want to spoil the taste of those lovely sounding chops....and a little gravy(Drool,Drool)...
Reply:Asparagas. Oh my, how good does it get?
Reply:You shouldn't crowd the dish... seems like you've alreay got a plate full. I would simply go for a mixed green salad and that's all.
Reply:how about finely sliced green beans tossed in green pesto?tried this a couple of days ago as a side dish and it went down a storm!and its beyond easy to do too!!!
I was thinking of getting some fresh spinach at the store and adding the peppers and some caramelized onions for a warm side dish, but how would I do that?
What's a good side dish for rosemary lambchops and garlic mashed potatoes?
Do something simple like fresh green beans (maybe with almonds). But keep it simple.
Reply:asparagus, just like chuck m says. i like to roast mine and serve drizzled with balsamic
Reply:3 vine ripe tomatoes, cut into chunks
1 red onion, thinly sliced
1/2 European seedless cucumber, cut into bite-size chunks
1 small red bell pepper, seeded and chunked
1 small green bell pepper, seeded and chunked
1 cubanelle pepper, seeded and chunked
1 cup Kalamata black olives
Several sprigs fresh flat-leaf parsley, about 1/2 cup
2 (1/4 pound) slices imported Greek feta
1/4 cup (a couple of glugs) extra-virgin olive oil
3 tablespoons (3 splashes) red wine vinegar
1 teaspoon dried oregano, crushed in palm of your hand
Coarse salt and black pepper
Pita breads
Combine vegetables, olives, and parsley in a large bowl. Rest sliced feta on the top of salad. Combine oil, vinegar, and oregano in a small plastic container with a lid. Shake vigorously to combine oil and vinegar and pour over salad and cheese. Season with salt and pepper and let the salad marinate until ready to serve. Serve salad with pita bread blistered and warmed on a hot griddle or grill pan
Reply:Mmmmmm....something nice and simple....Like butter glazed baby carrots...dont want to spoil the taste of those lovely sounding chops....and a little gravy(Drool,Drool)...
Reply:Asparagas. Oh my, how good does it get?
Reply:You shouldn't crowd the dish... seems like you've alreay got a plate full. I would simply go for a mixed green salad and that's all.
Reply:how about finely sliced green beans tossed in green pesto?tried this a couple of days ago as a side dish and it went down a storm!and its beyond easy to do too!!!
How to create this decorative bottle fruit, rosemary, etc?
Does anybody know any good websites or ways to create the pretty oil bottles with rosemary in it?
And what is in the ones with lemon and oranges? Like this picture below.
How to create this decorative bottle fruit, rosemary, etc?
The bottle with the fruit is most likely in apple cider vinegar, not oil.
Be careful with the oil ones since many herbs sitting in it for a prolonged time may grow out botulism unless refrigerated and/or used within a short period of time.
And what is in the ones with lemon and oranges? Like this picture below.
How to create this decorative bottle fruit, rosemary, etc?
The bottle with the fruit is most likely in apple cider vinegar, not oil.
Be careful with the oil ones since many herbs sitting in it for a prolonged time may grow out botulism unless refrigerated and/or used within a short period of time.
Is Rosemary and Lavender the same plant, i was in wilkos today and a plant was labelled rosemary/lavender?
I didn't think they were the same? Are they or is Wilkos just thick?
Is Rosemary and Lavender the same plant, i was in wilkos today and a plant was labelled rosemary/lavender?
Nope different plants
Reply:They are not the same plant but they are part of the same family and they both put out purple flowers. The official botanical name for rosemary is "rosmarinus officinalis. Rosemary, as it is known to the general population, is part of the mint family of herbs. This family is described as the Labiatae herb family. Other members of the same family include basil, patchouli, lavender, hyssop, myrtle, mint, clary and sage.
Reply:When I was living in Soutehrn France there were large cultivations of lavender and they are certainly different from rosemary.
They both belong to the same family of plants along with some other well known herbs such as oregano, sage, thyme, mint, basil.
Lavender is also used as a herb in France and in potpourris to scent homes and keep out wool eating moths
Reply:Lavender is a low-growing bush. It's aromatic flowers can be used for making pot-pourri.
Rosemary is a herb which as masses of small flowers. Ideally you can use it for cooking with lamb. Or put some sprigs of rosemary inside the cavity of the chicken before you roast it.
Reply:No, it is not the same plant, of both are many varieties, but I've never seen them crossed yet! Wikipedia gives nice descriptions of them!
Have fun!
Reply:No different plants, i noticed the same thing in Wilkinsons, i think they just use the same label for both as they are the same price.
The lavender will look more silvery and the rosemary more green with a silvery underneath.
Reply:no they're different types of herbs, both smell completly different and are used for different things. i work in a garden centre and we normally put things on the same poster if they are the same price to save time and space.
Reply:Blue, mauve, pink and white – these are the colours of rosemary and lavender flowers, with their evocative scents of Mediterranean hillsides
Reply:they are different plants, the labeling system is for both plants,
e.g. rosemary/lavender---£1-99p its easy to work out!
Reply:They are related,a lavender is a type of rosemary,the flowers are similiar also
Reply:no. The smell, for one, is completely different. I've never sprinkled lavender on my potatoes, and I've never seen Lavender's Baby.
Reply:Nothing like each other! Lavender is a nice smelly flowering herb - Rosemary is darker leafed, and used in cooking!
Reply:no they are not the same two different plants one is a herb, the other a flower/herb
Reply:Wilkos is thick.
Reply:no, two totally different plants and smells
Reply:hehe - they are completely different! Maybe the price was just the same for both?
Reply:I doubt it, they smell very distinct
Reply:mix jelly, butter, salt and cat hairs that should do it
Reply:They must have made a hybrid. either that or the labeller has no interest in plants
kung fu
Is Rosemary and Lavender the same plant, i was in wilkos today and a plant was labelled rosemary/lavender?
Nope different plants
Reply:They are not the same plant but they are part of the same family and they both put out purple flowers. The official botanical name for rosemary is "rosmarinus officinalis. Rosemary, as it is known to the general population, is part of the mint family of herbs. This family is described as the Labiatae herb family. Other members of the same family include basil, patchouli, lavender, hyssop, myrtle, mint, clary and sage.
Reply:When I was living in Soutehrn France there were large cultivations of lavender and they are certainly different from rosemary.
They both belong to the same family of plants along with some other well known herbs such as oregano, sage, thyme, mint, basil.
Lavender is also used as a herb in France and in potpourris to scent homes and keep out wool eating moths
Reply:Lavender is a low-growing bush. It's aromatic flowers can be used for making pot-pourri.
Rosemary is a herb which as masses of small flowers. Ideally you can use it for cooking with lamb. Or put some sprigs of rosemary inside the cavity of the chicken before you roast it.
Reply:No, it is not the same plant, of both are many varieties, but I've never seen them crossed yet! Wikipedia gives nice descriptions of them!
Have fun!
Reply:No different plants, i noticed the same thing in Wilkinsons, i think they just use the same label for both as they are the same price.
The lavender will look more silvery and the rosemary more green with a silvery underneath.
Reply:no they're different types of herbs, both smell completly different and are used for different things. i work in a garden centre and we normally put things on the same poster if they are the same price to save time and space.
Reply:Blue, mauve, pink and white – these are the colours of rosemary and lavender flowers, with their evocative scents of Mediterranean hillsides
Reply:they are different plants, the labeling system is for both plants,
e.g. rosemary/lavender---£1-99p its easy to work out!
Reply:They are related,a lavender is a type of rosemary,the flowers are similiar also
Reply:no. The smell, for one, is completely different. I've never sprinkled lavender on my potatoes, and I've never seen Lavender's Baby.
Reply:Nothing like each other! Lavender is a nice smelly flowering herb - Rosemary is darker leafed, and used in cooking!
Reply:no they are not the same two different plants one is a herb, the other a flower/herb
Reply:Wilkos is thick.
Reply:no, two totally different plants and smells
Reply:hehe - they are completely different! Maybe the price was just the same for both?
Reply:I doubt it, they smell very distinct
Reply:mix jelly, butter, salt and cat hairs that should do it
Reply:They must have made a hybrid. either that or the labeller has no interest in plants
kung fu
Is Spirit of Rosemary the same as rosemary oil?
Looking to make a homemade hair conditioner that calls for "spirit of rosemary" and I have not heard of this...Is this the same as rosemary oil that you would find in a place like whole foods?
Is Spirit of Rosemary the same as rosemary oil?
When it says "spirit" of anything, it usually is an extract, or reduction, or essence.
I would not use this straight.
It would need to be "cut" with
an oil. It all depends on what
other ingredients you have in your conditioner.
But No, it is not the same as
the oil.
You can probably find this
Reply:Its different
Reply:"spirit of" any herb usually means an alcholic extract made by dripping high proof alcohol through the herbs in a strainer. This is a bit different from essential oils in that it extracts different compounds from the herbs.
Reply:wow that's new to me. I have seen spirit of (different types), but not rosemary. I usually use the Essential oil of Rosemary.
unsolicited info:
I also take Rosemary internally, the herbs. So that process might also augment the hair status you're wanting to achieve.
speculation - something with spirits sounds like it has alcohol in it.
Is Spirit of Rosemary the same as rosemary oil?
When it says "spirit" of anything, it usually is an extract, or reduction, or essence.
I would not use this straight.
It would need to be "cut" with
an oil. It all depends on what
other ingredients you have in your conditioner.
But No, it is not the same as
the oil.
You can probably find this
Reply:Its different
Reply:"spirit of" any herb usually means an alcholic extract made by dripping high proof alcohol through the herbs in a strainer. This is a bit different from essential oils in that it extracts different compounds from the herbs.
Reply:wow that's new to me. I have seen spirit of (different types), but not rosemary. I usually use the Essential oil of Rosemary.
unsolicited info:
I also take Rosemary internally, the herbs. So that process might also augment the hair status you're wanting to achieve.
speculation - something with spirits sounds like it has alcohol in it.
Has anyone tried making pesto with rosemary? How was your experience?
I usually make pesto using basil, but I was wondering if anyone has tried making it using rosemary as the primary ingredient. I would really appreciate any feedback on this and recipes would be most welcomed.
Has anyone tried making pesto with rosemary? How was your experience?
No, I never used rosemary always basil. Try this!
Grind the fresh rosemary, walnuts, parsley into a smooth paste and add a little olive oil.
Here is another with rosemary and spinach. Sounds good!
To make the pesto: Combine the spinach and rosemary leaves, garlic, onion, vinegar, orange juice, salt and pepper in a blender and blend until pureed. (Adjust the consistency by adding more orange juice to thin the pesto if desired.) If made in advance, store the pesto, in the refrigerator, covered with a piece of plastic wrap directly on the surface to prevent the sauce from discoloring; it will keep for 1 week.
good luck!
Reply:haven't tried it yet but i'm not sure if it would work since rosemary (leaves) is kinda tough.. maybe you van just use a little of it to season your basil pesto, try tomato pesto, i think it's good..
Has anyone tried making pesto with rosemary? How was your experience?
No, I never used rosemary always basil. Try this!
Grind the fresh rosemary, walnuts, parsley into a smooth paste and add a little olive oil.
Here is another with rosemary and spinach. Sounds good!
To make the pesto: Combine the spinach and rosemary leaves, garlic, onion, vinegar, orange juice, salt and pepper in a blender and blend until pureed. (Adjust the consistency by adding more orange juice to thin the pesto if desired.) If made in advance, store the pesto, in the refrigerator, covered with a piece of plastic wrap directly on the surface to prevent the sauce from discoloring; it will keep for 1 week.
good luck!
Reply:haven't tried it yet but i'm not sure if it would work since rosemary (leaves) is kinda tough.. maybe you van just use a little of it to season your basil pesto, try tomato pesto, i think it's good..
Does anyone know of any alcoholic beverages made with rosemary?
We at the bar know of mojitos made with mint or basil. Basil or sage martinis. Yer we can think of nothing with the rosemary
Does anyone know of any alcoholic beverages made with rosemary?
I have never had it but I have seen a recipe for lemonade made with simple syrup infused with rosemary. Just steep fresh rosemary sprigs in equal parts of sugar and water unti the the sugar is well dissolved then sweeten your lemonade with it. At which point I would add gin. Sounds good to me.
Reply:I do not, but I have been experimenting a little. I learned that rosemary infused vodka doesn't work. Tastes like pine-sol. It may work if other herbs or flavors are added in combination, but rosemary alone was awful.
A mixed drink would have to have pretty strong flavors to stand up to rosemary.
Reply:Rosemary Drink Recipe
1/4 oz Lime Juice
1 tsp Strawberry Syrup
1 oz Guava Juice
1 oz Pineapple Juice
2 oz Lemonade
3 oz (Pureed) Strawberries
4 oz Vodka
Shake all ingredients (except lemonade) and strain into a highball glass three-quarters filled with crushed ice. Add lemonade, garnish with a slice of lime and a strawberry, add straws and serve.
Its delicious
Reply:Vermouth is a wine flavored with aromatic herbs and spices One of the herbs used is Rosemary.
Reply:rosemary is for food, not drinks...
Does anyone know of any alcoholic beverages made with rosemary?
I have never had it but I have seen a recipe for lemonade made with simple syrup infused with rosemary. Just steep fresh rosemary sprigs in equal parts of sugar and water unti the the sugar is well dissolved then sweeten your lemonade with it. At which point I would add gin. Sounds good to me.
Reply:I do not, but I have been experimenting a little. I learned that rosemary infused vodka doesn't work. Tastes like pine-sol. It may work if other herbs or flavors are added in combination, but rosemary alone was awful.
A mixed drink would have to have pretty strong flavors to stand up to rosemary.
Reply:Rosemary Drink Recipe
1/4 oz Lime Juice
1 tsp Strawberry Syrup
1 oz Guava Juice
1 oz Pineapple Juice
2 oz Lemonade
3 oz (Pureed) Strawberries
4 oz Vodka
Shake all ingredients (except lemonade) and strain into a highball glass three-quarters filled with crushed ice. Add lemonade, garnish with a slice of lime and a strawberry, add straws and serve.
Its delicious
Reply:Vermouth is a wine flavored with aromatic herbs and spices One of the herbs used is Rosemary.
Reply:rosemary is for food, not drinks...
How to make rosemary sauce?
I love lamb - minted especially. Iv two minted lamb shanks and sooo want to make a rosemary sauce to go - can you help?
How to make rosemary sauce?
1 c Onion; minced
1 c Carrots; peeled and diced
1/2 c Celery; diced
3 Garlic cloves
3 c ;water
1 tb Tomato paste
1 c Red wine
2 tb Dry red wine vinegar
Salt, to taste
1 tb Fresh rosemary; chopped OR
1 ts Dried rosemary
1/2 ts Dried thyme
1 ts Dried basil
1/2 ts White pepper
1/3 c ;cold water
2 tb Arrowroot or cornstarch
Saute onion, carrots, celery %26amp; garlic in 2 tsp. water for 5 min. Place in a heavy 3 quart pot along with remaining ingredients except
1/3 cup water %26amp; arrowroot. Bring to a boil, cover partially, and
simmer for 15-20 minutes until vegetables are tender. Whisk together cold water %26amp; arrowroot until smooth %26amp; fully dissolved. Slowly pour into simmering sauce, stirring constantly.
Lower heat %26amp; continue stirring as sauce thickens and becomes shiny, about 5 minutes. If necessary, add more dissolved arrowroot or cornstarch, a teaspoon at a time, until sauce reaches desired consistency.
Variations: Substitute another cup of wine for one of the cups of water. OR Add 1 cup of sliced sauteed mushrooms to the sauce just before the arrowroot or cornstarch.
Reply:Rosemary Lamb Chops
1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil
4 scallions, thinly sliced
1 cup frozen baby peas
1 cup frozen baby lima beans
1 small zucchini, cut into 1/2-inch dice
1/4 teaspoon crushed red pepper
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
6 romaine leaves, cut crosswise into 1/4-inch ribbons
1/4 cup shredded mint leaves
12 baby lamb rib chops (about 2 1/2 pounds), bones frenched
1 tablespoon minced rosemary
In a medium saucepan, heat 3 tablespoons of the olive oil. Add the scallions and cook over moderate heat, stirring, until softened, about 4 minutes. Add the peas, lima beans, zucchini and crushed red pepper and season with salt and black pepper. Cover and cook over very low heat until barely softened, about 15 minutes. Add the lettuce and 2 tablespoons of the mint, cover and cook until the lettuce is very tender, about 10 minutes.
Meanwhile, preheat a grill pan. Rub the chops with the remaining 1 tablespoon of oil and season with salt and black pepper. Rub the rosemary onto the chops. Grill the chops over high heat for 6 minutes, turning once or twice, for medium-rare meat.
Spoon the vegetables onto plates and top with the lamb chops. Garnish with the remaining 2 tablespoons of mint and serve.
How to make rosemary sauce?
1 c Onion; minced
1 c Carrots; peeled and diced
1/2 c Celery; diced
3 Garlic cloves
3 c ;water
1 tb Tomato paste
1 c Red wine
2 tb Dry red wine vinegar
Salt, to taste
1 tb Fresh rosemary; chopped OR
1 ts Dried rosemary
1/2 ts Dried thyme
1 ts Dried basil
1/2 ts White pepper
1/3 c ;cold water
2 tb Arrowroot or cornstarch
Saute onion, carrots, celery %26amp; garlic in 2 tsp. water for 5 min. Place in a heavy 3 quart pot along with remaining ingredients except
1/3 cup water %26amp; arrowroot. Bring to a boil, cover partially, and
simmer for 15-20 minutes until vegetables are tender. Whisk together cold water %26amp; arrowroot until smooth %26amp; fully dissolved. Slowly pour into simmering sauce, stirring constantly.
Lower heat %26amp; continue stirring as sauce thickens and becomes shiny, about 5 minutes. If necessary, add more dissolved arrowroot or cornstarch, a teaspoon at a time, until sauce reaches desired consistency.
Variations: Substitute another cup of wine for one of the cups of water. OR Add 1 cup of sliced sauteed mushrooms to the sauce just before the arrowroot or cornstarch.
Reply:Rosemary Lamb Chops
1/4 cup extra-virgin olive oil
4 scallions, thinly sliced
1 cup frozen baby peas
1 cup frozen baby lima beans
1 small zucchini, cut into 1/2-inch dice
1/4 teaspoon crushed red pepper
Salt and freshly ground black pepper
6 romaine leaves, cut crosswise into 1/4-inch ribbons
1/4 cup shredded mint leaves
12 baby lamb rib chops (about 2 1/2 pounds), bones frenched
1 tablespoon minced rosemary
In a medium saucepan, heat 3 tablespoons of the olive oil. Add the scallions and cook over moderate heat, stirring, until softened, about 4 minutes. Add the peas, lima beans, zucchini and crushed red pepper and season with salt and black pepper. Cover and cook over very low heat until barely softened, about 15 minutes. Add the lettuce and 2 tablespoons of the mint, cover and cook until the lettuce is very tender, about 10 minutes.
Meanwhile, preheat a grill pan. Rub the chops with the remaining 1 tablespoon of oil and season with salt and black pepper. Rub the rosemary onto the chops. Grill the chops over high heat for 6 minutes, turning once or twice, for medium-rare meat.
Spoon the vegetables onto plates and top with the lamb chops. Garnish with the remaining 2 tablespoons of mint and serve.
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