Monday, May 11, 2009

What is the best location to plant my rosemary bush?

What kind of soil does it like, and what kid of fertilizer? I live in Zone 7 in the USA.

What is the best location to plant my rosemary bush?
I would plant it in a sunny to partly shady location in well drained soil. They tend to like acidic soil..(They are an evergreen...most evergreens like acidic soil) If you fertilize use miracid (made by miracle gro) Just follow the directions on the box...I think it should be used every two weeks. Also, Rosemary likes to be pruned. It encourages fuller bushier growth. They can also be used as topiaries. ( Those shapes made out of plants......) Also, they are prone to powdery mildew...something to keep an eye out for.
Reply:That depends on how much pruning you like to do. Rosemary can get 16' tall and 30' wide without pruning. Choose a spot with well-drained soil. Sun or shade, this plant will grow as long as it gets enough water. Under a bedroom window is nice if you love the smell. Over by the neighbor's dog run if you want to cover up a smell or hide your pool from prying eyes...
Reply:It is best to plant the bush in a sunny but sheltered spot with well drained soil---to keep pests away (organically) plant your rosemary with cabbage or broccoli---
Reply:My rosemary grows anywhere....I can't get rid of All my friends have clones from my plants and all of theirs are doing fine. Maybe its Washington State weather that the plant likes...I have no clue? As for fertilizer...I use fish fertilizer on everything :)

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