Monday, May 11, 2009

How tall does rosemary grow?

I have bought three different types, and I don't know where to plant them.

How tall does rosemary grow?
Well, it really all depends on which ones you have. There are prostrate, ground covering types and shrubby types all the way up to 6' shrubs.

Check your labels are see which ones you have to be sure you place them in the proper spot. A Rosmarinus officinalis 'Prostratus' is a ground cover type and will get about 2' in height while Rosmarinus officinalis 'Huntington Carpet' is a taller variety that can get between 4-8' in height.

Look at these links to find the variety that you have and plan accordingly so you can enjoy, enjoy, enjoy! :)

Happy gardening.
Reply:I planted a 6" rosemary plant three years ago, and it's now the size of a small shrub ~ some 30" tall and 18" wide. I live in zone 6 with freezing winters, and by golly, is that stuff hardy.
Reply:it is not so much how high it can grow but how wide it bushes out. Here in south Texas they grow to about 3-4 feet and they bush out at least that. But that is just me letting them do their own thing and they do real well.
Reply:Mine remained between 6" to 9" each year. If the type you have are getting taller than what I have, they are easily transplanted.
Reply:I planted some in a pot about a month ago. The tag with the plant says it grows 3-4 ft. It's a slow grower though.

1 comment:

  1. I found some great flowers at! Check it out!
