Sunday, May 16, 2010

When can I plant my rosemary bush outside-I live in Dallas.?

I bought a couple of those rosemary bushes carved into christmas trees.

When can I plant my rosemary bush outside-I live in Dallas.?
Anywhere! Rosemary grows like wildfire in Texas. Unless you are expecting a freeze within the next couple days, go ahead and plant it now. Rosemary is one plant you can transplant year-round.

Some websites that you may find useful:
Reply:As soon as there is no danger of a freeze. After the first growing season they should do fine. I live in Dallas and planted a 6 in. sprig of rosemary 7or 8 years ago and know it is 2ft tall and 3ft across. We like to cut a woody branch about 6-8 in long and use it as a skewer for lamb chop kabobs.
Reply:Yep, put those puppies in the ground. Just put a blanket over them if you get a freeze. You should not have any problems.

Tastes great with chicken!
Reply:Hi, I live in the DFW area and have about 25 rosemary plants in my gardens. Each are over 2' in diameter and height. I LOVE rosemary. Right now is fine for planting. You can plant them in the ground and mulch them well for the remainder of the winter (keep them watered until they develope a good root system that extends into the dirt you plant them into.) If you want to keep the Christmas tree shape, it's easy to keep them pruned, you can't hardly go wrong. They won't really put forth much new growth until springtime, though....then they'll go nuts around April.

I also find rosemary in large pots on my porch to be very attractive, but they require consistent watering if you keep them in a pot, so I planted all of mine into gardens and now they're just about maintenance free except for pruning now and then.
Reply:I would wait until late spring.

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